isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw
sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
vxju krhu vxjwirho vKru lyhu smwil ]
vanaj karahu vanajaariho vakhar laehu samaal ||
Make your deals, dealers, and take care of your merchandise.
qYsI vsqu ivswhIAY jYsI inbhY nwil ]
thaisee vasath visaaheeai jaisee nibehai naal ||
Buy that object which will go along with you.
AgY swhu sujwxu hY lYsI vsqu smwil ]1]
agai saahu sujaan hai laisee vasath samaal ||1||
In the next world, the All-knowing Merchant will take this object and care for it. ||1||
BweI ry rwmu khhu icqu lwie ]
bhaaee rae raam kehahu chith laae ||
O Siblings of Destiny, chant the Lord's Name, and focus your consciousness on Him.
hir jsu vKru lY clhu shu dyKY pqIAwie ]1] rhwau ]
har jas vakhar lai chalahu sahu dhaekhai patheeaae ||1|| rehaao ||
Take the Merchandise of the Lord's Praises with you. Your Husband Lord shall see this and approve. ||1||Pause||
ijnw rwis n scu hY ikau iqnw suKu hoie ]
jinaa raas n sach hai kio thinaa sukh hoe ||
Those who do not have the Assets of Truth-how can they find peace?
KotY vxij vxµijAY mnu qnu Kotw hoie ]
khottai vanaj vananjiai man than khottaa hoe ||
By dealing their deals of falsehood, their minds and bodies become false.
PwhI PwQy imrg ijau dUKu Gxo inq roie ]2]
faahee faathhae mirag jio dhookh ghano nith roe ||2||
Like the deer caught in the trap, they suffer in terrible agony; they continually cry out in pain. ||2||
Koty poqY nw pvih iqn hir gur drsu n hoie ]
khottae pothai naa pavehi thin har gur dharas n hoe ||
The counterfeit coins are not put into the Treasury; they do not obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord-Guru.
Koty jwiq n piq hY Koit n sIJis koie ]
khottae jaath n path hai khott n seejhas koe ||
The false ones have no social status or honor. No one succeeds through falsehood.
Koty Kotu kmwvxw Awie gieAw piq Koie ]3]
khottae khott kamaavanaa aae gaeiaa path khoe ||3||
Practicing falsehood again and again, people come and go in reincarnation, and forfeit their honor. ||3||
nwnk mnu smJweIAY gur kY sbid swlwh ]
naanak man samajhaaeeai gur kai sabadh saalaah ||
O Nanak, instruct your mind through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and praise the Lord.
rwm nwm rµig riqAw Bwru n Brmu iqnwh ]
aucwrx r`iqAw
raam naam rang rathiaa bhaar n bharam thinaah ||
Those who are imbued with the love of the Name of the Lord are not loaded down by doubt.
hir jip lwhw Aglw inrBau hir mn mwh ]4]23]
har jap laahaa agalaa nirabho har man maah ||4||23||
Those who chant the Name of the Lord earn great profits; the Fearless Lord abides within their minds. ||4||23||