12: s`cI lgn
The true devotion
dUjI Aws ivxwsu hY pUrI ikau hovY ]
doojee aas vinaasu hai pooree kiu hovai.
Other hopes (except Lord's) are ruination; how could they be accomplished.
dUjw moh su DRoh sBu Ehu AMiq ivgovY ]
doojaa moh su dhroh sabhu aohu anti vigovai.
Other infatuations are delusion which ultimately lead (man) astray.
dUjw krmu suBrm hY kir Avgux rovY ]
doojaa karamu soubharam hai kari avagoun rovai.
Other actions are deceits by which man cultivates demerits and suffers.
dUjw sMgu kuFMgu hY ikau BirAw DovY ]
doojaa sangu kuddhangu hai kiu bhariaa dhovai.
The company of the sense of otherness is a perfidious way of living; and how it could wash away the sinful life.
dUjw Bwau kudwau hY hwir jnmu KlovY ]
doojaa bhaau kudaau hai haari janamu khalovai.
The othemness is a wrong stake which ultimatley makes one lose the (battle of) life.
pIr murIdW iprhVI gux guxI provY ]12]
peer mureedaan piraharhee goun gounee parovai ||12||
The love between the Sikhs and the Guru, brings the meritorious people closer and makes them one (sangat).