Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

11: s`cI lgn

The true devotion

horqu rMig n rcIAY sBu kUV idsMdw ]

horatu rangi n racheeai sabhu koorhu disandaa.

Love none but the Guru; all other love is false.

horqu swid n lgIAY hoie ivsul gMdw ]

horatu saadi n lageeai hoi visu lagandaa.

Enjoy no other relish than his, for it would be poisonous.

horqu rwg n rIJIAY suix suK n lhMdw ]

horatu raag n reejheeai souni soukh n lahandaa.

Be not pleased with any one else's singing, for listening to it would bring no happiness.

horu burI krqUiq hY lgY Plu mMdw ]

horu buree karatooti hai lagai phalu mandaa.

All acts not in conformity with the Guru's teaching, are evil, and bear evil fruit.

horqu pMiQ n clIAY Tgu coru muhMdw ]

horatu panthi n chaleeai tdagu choru muhandaa.

Walk only in the way of true Guru, because in all other ways, there are thieves who cheat and rob.

pIr murIdW iprhVI scu sic imlMdw ]11]

peer mureedaan piraharhee sachu sachi miladaa ||11||

The love of the Guru's Sikhs for the Guru causes their soul to blend their truth with the Truth.