AstpdI ]
asattapadhee ||
imiQAw nwhI rsnw prs ]
mithhiaa naahee rasanaa paras ||
One whose tongue does not touch falsehood;
mn mih pRIiq inrµjn drs ]
man mehi preeth niranjan dharas ||
Whose mind is filled with love for the Blessed Vision of the Pure Lord,
pr iqRA rUpu n pyKY nyqR ]
par thria roop n paekhai naethr ||
Whose eyes do not gaze upon the beauty of others' wives,
swD kI thl sµqsµig hyq ]
saadhh kee ttehal santhasang haeth ||
Who serves the Holy and loves the Saints' Congregation,
krn n sunY kwhU kI inMdw ]
karan n sunai kaahoo kee nindhaa ||
Whose ears do not listen to slander against anyone,
sB qy jwnY Awps kau mMdw ]
sabh thae jaanai aapas ko mandhaa ||
Who deems himself to be the worst of all,
gur pRswid ibiKAw prhrY ]
gur prasaadh bikhiaa pareharai ||
Who, by Guru's Grace, renounces corruption,
mn kI bwsnw mn qy trY ]
aucwrx trY: polw bolo
man kee baasanaa man thae ttarai ||
Who banishes the mind's evil desires from his mind,
ieMdRI ijq pMc doK qy rhq ]
eindhree jith panch dhokh thae rehath ||
Who conquers his sexual instincts and is free of the five sinful passions
nwnk koit mDy ko AYsw Aprs ]1]
aucwrx m`Dy; Ap`rs
naanak kott madhhae ko aisaa aparas ||1||
- O Nanak, among millions, there is scarcely one such 'touch-nothing Saint'. ||1||