SGGSAng 1193Raag BasantKabir Ji9 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

maulI DrqI mauilAw Akwsu ]

moulee dhharathee mouliaa akaas ||

The earth is in bloom, and the sky is in bloom.

Git Git mauilAw Awqm pRgwsu ]1]

ghatt ghatt mouliaa aatham pragaas ||1||

Each and every heart has blossomed forth, and the soul is illumined. ||1||

rwjwrwmu mauilAw Anq Bwie ]

raajaa raam mouliaa anath bhaae ||

My Sovereign Lord King blossoms forth in countless ways.

jh dyKau qh rihAw smwie ]1] rhwau ]

jeh dhaekho theh rehiaa samaae ||1|| rehaao ||

Wherever I look, I see Him there pervading. ||1||Pause||

duqIAw mauly cwir byd ]

dhutheeaa moulae chaar baedh ||

The four Vedas blossom forth in duality.

isMimRiq maulI isau kqyb ]2]

sinmrith moulee sio kathaeb ||2||

The Simritees blossom forth, along with the Koran and the Bible. ||2||

sµkru mauilE jog iDAwn ]

sankar mouliou jog dhhiaan ||

Shiva blossoms forth in Yoga and meditation.

kbIr ko suAwmI sB smwn ]3]1]

kabeer ko suaamee sabh samaan ||3||1||

Kabeer's Lord and Master pervades in all alike. ||3||1||