SGGSAng 1092Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 38 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

3 ]

aucwrx mh`lw qIjw

ma 3 ||

Third Mehl:

ijin aupweI mydnI soeI swr kryie ]

jin oupaaee maedhanee soee saar karaee ||

The One who created the world, takes care of it.

eyko ismrhu Bwierhu iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ]

aucwrx Bwie-rhu

eaeko simarahu bhaaeirahu this bin avar n koe ||

Meditate in remembrance on the One Lord, O Siblings of Destiny; there is none other than Him.

Kwxw sbdu cµigAweIAw ijqu KwDY sdw iqRpiq hoie ]

aucwrx cµigAweIAw: ibMdIAw rihq bolo

khaanaa sabadh changiaaeeaa jith khaadhhai sadhaa thripath hoe ||

So eat the food of the Shabad and goodness; eating it, you shall remain satisfied forever.

pYnxu isPiq snwie hY sdw sdw Ehu aUjlw mYlw kdy n hoie ]

painan sifath sanaae hai sadhaa sadhaa ouhu oojalaa mailaa kadhae n hoe ||

Dress yourself in the Praise of the Lord. Forever and ever, it is radiant and bright; it is never polluted.

shjy scu Dnu KitAw QoVw kdy n hoie ]

aucwrx K`itAw

sehajae sach dhhan khattiaa thhorraa kadhae n hoe ||

I have intuitively earned the true wealth, which never decreases.

dyhI no sbdu sIgwru hY ijqu sdw sdw suKu hoie ]

dhaehee no sabadh seegaar hai jith sadhaa sadhaa sukh hoe ||

The body is adorned with the Shabad, and is at peace forever and ever.

nwnk gurmuiK buJIAY ijsno Awip ivKwly soie ]2]

aucwrx bu`JIAY

naanak guramukh bujheeai jis no aap vikhaalae soe ||2||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes the Lord, who reveals Himself. ||2||