sloku mÚ 3 ]
aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw
salok ma 3 ||
Shalok, Third Mehl:
iesu jg mih sMqI Dnu KitAw ijnw siqguru imilAw pRBu Awie ]
aucwrx K`itAw
eis jag mehi santhee dhhan khattiaa jinaa sathigur miliaa prabh aae ||
In this world, the Saints earn the wealth; they come to meet God through the True Guru.
siqguir scu idRVwieAw iesu Dn kI kImiq khI n jwie ]
sathigur sach dhrirraaeiaa eis dhhan kee keemath kehee n jaae ||
The True Guru implants the Truth within; the value of this wealth cannot be described.
iequ Din pwieAY BuK lQI suKu visAw min Awie ]
eith dhhan paaeiai bhukh lathhee sukh vasiaa man aae ||
Obtaining this wealth, hunger is relieved, and peace comes to dwell in the mind.
ijMn@w kau Duir iliKAw iqnI pwieAw Awie ]
jinnhaa ko dhhur likhiaa thinee paaeiaa aae ||
Only those who have such pre-ordained destiny, come to receive this.
mnmuKu jgqu inrDnu hY mwieAw no ibllwie ]
manamukh jagath niradhhan hai maaeiaa no bilalaae ||
The world of the self-willed manmukh is poor, crying out for Maya.
Anidnu iPrdw sdw rhY BuK n kdy jwie ]
anadhin firadhaa sadhaa rehai bhukh n kadhae jaae ||
Night and day, it wanders continually, and its hunger is never relieved.
sWiq n kdy AwveI nh suKu vsY min Awie ]
saanth n kadhae aavee neh sukh vasai man aae ||
It never finds calm tranquility, and peace never comes to dwell in its mind.
sdw icMq icqvdw rhY shsw kdy n jwie ]
sadhaa chinth chithavadhaa rehai sehasaa kadhae n jaae ||
It is always plagued by anxiety, and its cynicism never departs.
nwnk ivxu siqgur miq BvI siqgur no imlY qw sbdu kmwie ]
aucwrx m`iq
naanak vin sathigur math bhavee sathigur no milai thaa sabadh kamaae ||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the intellect is perverted; if one meets the True Guru, then one practices the Word of the Shabad.
sdw sdw suK mih rhY scy mwih smwie ]1]
sadhaa sadhaa sukh mehi rehai sachae maahi samaae ||1||
Forever and ever, he dwells in peace, and merges in the True Lord. ||1||