Awsw ]
aasaa ||
hm Gir sUqu qnih inq qwnw kµiT jnyaU qumwry ]
ham ghar sooth thanehi nith thaanaa kanth janaeoo thumaarae ||
In my house, I constantly weave the thread, while you wear the thread around your neck, O Brahmin.
qum@ qau byd pVhu gwieqRI goibMdu irdY hmwry ]1]
thumh tho baedh parrahu gaaeithree gobindh ridhai hamaarae ||1||
You read the Vedas and sacred hymns, while I have enshrined the Lord of the Universe in my heart. ||1||
myrI ijhbw ibsnu nYn nwrwien ihrdY bsih goibMdw ]
maeree jihabaa bisan nain naaraaein hiradhai basehi gobindhaa ||
Upon my tongue, within my eyes, and within my heart, abides the Lord, the Lord of the Universe.
jm duAwr jb pUCis bvry qb ikAw khis mukµdw ]1] rhwau ]
jam dhuaar jab pooshhas bavarae thab kiaa kehas mukandhaa ||1|| rehaao ||
When you are interrogated at Death's door, O mad-man, what will you say then? ||1||Pause||
hm gorU qum guAwr gusweI jnm jnm rKvwry ]
ham goroo thum guaar gusaaee janam janam rakhavaarae ||
I am a cow, and You are the herdsman, the Sustainer of the World. You are my Saving Grace, lifetime after lifetime.
kbhUµ n pwir auqwir crwiehu kYsy Ksm hmwry ]2]
kabehoon n paar outhaar charaaeihu kaisae khasam hamaarae ||2||
You have never taken me across to graze there - what sort of a herdsman are You? ||2||
qUµ bwm@nu mY kwsIk julhw bUJhu mor igAwnw ]
aucwrx bU`Jhu
thoon baamhan mai kaaseek julehaa boojhahu mor giaanaa ||
You are a Brahmin, and I am a weaver of Benares; can You understand my wisdom?
qum@ qau jwcy BUpiq rwjy hir sau mor iDAwnw ]3]4]26]
thumh tho jaachae bhoopath raajae har so mor dhhiaanaa ||3||4||26||
You beg from emperors and kings, while I meditate on the Lord. ||3||4||26||