Awsw ]
aasaa ||
jig jIvnu AYsw supny jYsw jIvnu supn smwnµ ]
aucwrx jig jIvnu: ieQy v`Krw krky
jag jeevan aisaa supanae jaisaa jeevan supan samaanan ||
The life of the world is only a dream; life is just a dream.
swcu kir hm gwiT dInI Coif prm inDwnµ ]1]
saach kar ham gaath dheenee shhodd param nidhhaanan ||1||
Believing it to be true, I grasped at it, and abandoned the supreme treasure. ||1||
bwbw mwieAw moh ihqu kIn@ ]
baabaa maaeiaa moh hith keenh ||
O Father, I have enshrined love and affection for Maya,
ijin igAwnu rqnu ihir lIn@ ]1] rhwau ]
jin giaan rathan hir leenh ||1|| rehaao ||
Which has taken the jewel of spiritual wisdom away from me. ||1||Pause||
nYn dyiK pqµgu aurJY psu n dyKY Awig ]
nain dhaekh pathang ourajhai pas n dhaekhai aag ||
The moth sees with its eyes, but it still becomes entangled; the insect does not see the fire.
kwl Pws n mugDu cyqY kink kwimin lwig ]2]
aucwrx mugDu: 'g' nwl bolo (ASuD: muGDu)
kaal faas n mugadhh chaethai kanik kaamin laag ||2||
Attached to gold and woman, the fool does not think of the noose of Death. ||2||
kir ibcwru ibkwr prhir qrn qwrn soie ]
kar bichaar bikaar parehar tharan thaaran soe ||
Reflect upon this, and abandon sin; the Lord is a boat to carry you across.
kih kbIr jgjIvnu AYsw duqIA nwhI koie ]3]5]27]
kehi kabeer jagajeevan aisaa dhutheea naahee koe ||3||5||27||
Says Kabeer, such is the Lord, the Life of the World; there is no one equal to Him. ||3||5||27||