SGGSAng 1091Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 34 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

3 ]

aucwrx mh`lw qIjw

ma 3 ||

Third Mehl:

duKu lgw ibnu syivAY hukmu mMny duKu jwie ]

dhukh lagaa bin saeviai hukam mannae dhukh jaae ||

Without serving the Lord, he suffers in pain; accepting the Hukam of God's Command, pain is gone.

Awpy dwqw suKY dw Awpy dyie sjwie ]

aapae dhaathaa sukhai dhaa aapae dhaee sajaae ||

He Himself is the Giver of peace; He Himself awards punishment.

nwnk eyvY jwxIAY sBu ikCu iqsY rjwie ]2]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo

naanak eaevai jaaneeai sabh kishh thisai rajaae ||2||

O Nanak, know this well; all that happens is according to His Will. ||2||