pauVI ]
pourree ||
hir nwm ibnw jgqu hY inrDnu ibnu nwvY iqRpiq nwhI ]
har naam binaa jagath hai niradhhan bin naavai thripath naahee ||
Without the Lord's Name the world is poor. Without the Name no one is satisfied.
dUjY Brim BulwieAw haumY duKu pwhI ]
dhoojai bharam bhulaaeiaa houmai dhukh paahee ||
He is deluded by duality and doubt. In egotism, he suffers in pain.
ibnu krmw ikCU n pweIAY jy bhuqu locwhI ]
bin karamaa kishhoo n paaeeai jae bahuth lochaahee ||
Without good karma, he does not obtain anything, no matter how much he may wish for it.
AwvY jwie jµmY mrY gur sbid CutwhI ]
aavai jaae janmai marai gur sabadh shhuttaahee ||
Coming and going in reincarnation, and birth and death are ended, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Awip krY iksu AwKIAY dUjw ko nwhI ]16]
aap karai kis aakheeai dhoojaa ko naahee ||16||
He Himself acts, so unto whom should we complain? There is no other at all. ||16||