Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
ikAw sovih nwmu ivswir gwPl gihilAw ]
kiaa sovehi naam visaar gaafal gehiliaa ||
Why are you sleeping, and forgetting the Name, O careless and foolish mortal?
ikqˆØI iequ drIAwie vM\in@ vhidAw ]1]
kithanaee eith dhareeaae vannjanih vehadhiaa ||1||
So many have been washed away and carried off by this river of life. ||1||
boihQVw hir crx mn ciV lµGIAY ]
bohithharraa har charan man charr langheeai ||
O mortal, get aboard the boat of the Lord's Lotus Feet, and cross over.
AwT phr gux gwie swDU sµgIAY ]1] rhwau ]
aath pehar gun gaae saadhhoo sangeeai ||1|| rehaao ||
Twenty-four hours a day, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||
Bogih Bog Anyk ivxu nwvY suµi\Aw ]
bhogehi bhog anaek vin naavai sunnjiaa ||
You may enjoy various pleasures, but they are useless without the Name.
hir kI Bgiq ibnw mir mir ruµinAw ]2]
har kee bhagath binaa mar mar runniaa ||2||
Without devotion to the Lord, you shall die in sorrow, again and again. ||2||
kpV Bog sugµD qin mrdn mwlxw ]
kaparr bhog sugandhh than maradhan maalanaa ||
You may dress and eat and apply scented oils to your body,
ibnu ismrn qnu Cwru srpr cwlxw ]3]
bin simaran than shhaar sarapar chaalanaa ||3||
But without the meditative remembrance of the Lord, your body shall surely turn to dust, and you shall have to depart. ||3||
mhw ibKmu sMswru ivrlY pyiKAw ]
mehaa bikham sansaar viralai paekhiaa ||
How very treacherous is this world-ocean; how very few realize this!
CUtnu hir kI srix lyKu nwnk lyiKAw ]4]8]110]
shhoottan har kee saran laekh naanak laekhiaa ||4||8||110||
Salvation rests in the Lord's Sanctuary; O Nanak, this is your pre-ordained destiny. ||4||8||110||