34: guirAweI dI pIVHI
Lineage of the Guruship
bwbwxI pIVI clI gur cyly prcw prcwieAw ]
baabaanee peerhee chalee gur chaylay parachaa parachaaiaa.
The line of Baia Nanak increased and the love between Guru and disciples further developed.
guru AMgdu guru AMgu qy guru cylw cylw guru BwieAw ]
guru angadu guru angu tay guru chaylaa chaylaa guru bhaaiaa.
Guru Angad came of the limb of Guru Nanak and the disciple became fond of Guru and the Guru of the disciple .
Amrdwsu gur AMgdhu siqgur qy siqgurU sdwieAw ]
amaradaasu gur angadahu satiguru tay satiguroo sadaaiaa.
From Guru Ahgad came out Amar Das who was accepted Guru after Guru Angad Dev.
guru Amrhu guru rwmdwsu gur syvw guru hoie smwieAw ]
guru amarahu guru raamadaasu gur sayvaa guru hoi samaaiaa.
From Guru Amar Das came Guru Ram Das who through his service to the Guru absorbed in the Guru himself.
rwmdwshu Arjxu gurU AMimRq ibRiK AMimRq Plu lwieAw ]
raamadaasahu arajanu guroo anmrit brikhi anmrit phalu laaiaa.
From Guru Ram Das emerged Guru Arjan Dev as if from the ambrosial tree was produced ambrosia.
hrgoivMd guru ArjnhuN Awid purK Awdysu krwieAw ]
harigovindu guru arajanahu aadi purakh aadaysu karaaiaa.
Then from Guru Arjan Dev was born Guru Hargobind who also preached and spread the message of the primal Lord.
suJY suJ n lukY lukwieAw ]34]
sujhai sujh n loukai loukaaiaa ||34||
The sun is ever perceptible; it cannot be concealed by any one.