35: kudrq vrxn
Description of the power of the Lord
ieku kvwau pswau kir EAMkwir kIAw pwswrw ]
ik kavaau pasaau kari aoankaari keeaa paasaaraa.
From one sound, the Oankar created the entire creation.
kudriq Aqul n qolIAY quil n qol n qolxhwrw ]
kudarati atul n toleeai tuli n tol n tolanahaaraa.
His sport of creation is immeasurable. None is there who can take its measure.
isir isir lyKu AlyK dw dwiq joiq vifAweI kwrw ]
siri siri laykhu alaykh daa daati joti vadiaaee kaaraa.
The writ has been inscribed on the forehead of each creature; light, grandeur and action are all due to His grace.
lyK AlyKu n lKIAY msu n lyKix ilKixhwrw ]
laykhu alakhu n lakheeai masu n laykhani likhanihaaraa.
His writ is imperceptible; the writer and His inl are also invisible.
rwg nwd Anhd DunI EAMkwru n gwvxhwrw ]
raag naad anahadu dhounee aoankaaru n gaavanahaaraa.
Various musics, tones and rythms ate ever on but even rthen the Onkaar cannot be properly serenaded.
KwxI bwxI jIA jMqu nwv Qwau Axgxq Awpwrw ]
khaanee baanee jeea jantu naav daav anaganat apaaraa.
Mines, speeches, creatures names and places are infinite and uncountable.
ieku kvwau Amwau hY kyvfu vfw isrjxhwrw ]
iku kavaau amaau hai kayvadu vadaa sirajanahaaraa.
His one sound is beyond all limits; how expansive that creator is cannot be explained .
swDsMgiq siqgur inrMkwrw ]35]26]
saadhasangati satigur nirankaaraa ||35||26|| chhaveeha ||
That true Guru , formless Lord is there and available in the holy congregation (alone)