Bhai Gurdas JiAng 28Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 288 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

22: is`KI srb iSromxI hY

Sikh life is supreme

lK iDAwn smwiD lwie gurmuiK rUip n ApiV skY ]

lakh dhiaan samaadhi laai guramoukhi roopi n aparhi sakai.

Millions of meditational postures and concentrations cannot equal the form of the gurmukh.

lK igAwn vKwix kir sbd suriq aufwrI QkY ]

lakh giaan vakhaani kar sabad surati udaaree dakai.

Millions got tired with learning and elaborations and with flights of consciousness to reach the divine Word.

buiD bl bcn ibbyk lK Fih Fih pvin iprm dir DkY ]

budhi bal bachan bibayk lakh ddhahi ddhahi pavani piram dari dhakai.

Millions of people using their intellect and powers talk of discerning wisdom but they fall and stagger, and, at the door of the Lord they get jolts and blows.

jog Bog bYrwg lK sih n skih gux vwsu mhkY ]

jog bhog bairaag lakh sahi n sakahi goun vaasu mahakai.

Millions of yogis, pleasure seekers and recluses cannot bear the passions and fragrance of the three qualities of nature (sattv, rajas and tamas).

lK Acrj Acrj hoie Aibgiq giq Aibgiq ivic AkY ]

lakh acharaj acharaj hoi abigati gati abigati vichi akai.

Millions of wonderstruck people have got tired of the unmanifest nature of the unmanifest Lord.

ivsmwdI ivsmwdu lK AkQ kQw ivic shim shkY ]

visamaadee visamaadu lakh akad kadaa vichi sahami sahakai.

Millions are awe-struck, with the ineffable story of that wondrous Lord.

gurisKI dY AiK PrkY ]22]28]

gurasikhee dai akhi dharakai ||22||28|| atdaaee ||

They all are equal to the delight of one moment of the life of a Sikh of the Guru.