<> siqgur pRswid ]
ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||
One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
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ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||
One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
Awid purK Awdysu hY siqgur scu nwau sdvwieAw ]
aadi purakh aadaysu hai satiguru sachu naau sadavaaiaa.
Salutation to that primal Lord who is known by the true name of Satigura.
cwir vrn gurisK kir gurmuiK scw pMQu clwieAw ]
chaari varan gurasikh kari guramoukhi sachaa pandu chalaaiaa.
Transforming all the four varnas into the Sikhs of the Guru, that true Guru (Gum Nanak Dev) has initiated a true way for the Gurmukhs.
swDsMgiq imil gWvdy siqguru sbdu Anwhd vwieAw ]
saadhasangati mili gaanvaday satiguru sabadu anaahadu vaaiaa.
The true Guru has vibrated such an unstruck word which is sung in the holy congregation by one and all.
gur swKI aupdysu kir Awip qrY sYNswr qrwieAw ]
gur saakhee oupadaysu kari aapi tarai saisaaru taraaiaa.
The Gurmukhs recite the teachings of the Guru; they go across and make the world go across (the world ocean).
pwn supwrI kQu imil cUny rMgu surMgu cVHwieAw ]
paan soupaaree kadu mili choonay rangu surang charhhaaiaa.
As in betel leaf mixing of catechu, lime and betel nut makes a nice colour, similarly, gurmukh way of life consisting of all the four varnas is beautiful.
igAwnu iDAwnu ismrx jugiq gurmiq imil gur pUrw pwieAw ]
giaanu dhiaanu simarani jougati guramati mili gur pooraa paaiaa.
He, who having met the perfect Gum has attained Gurmati; the wisdom of the Guru, has in fact identified the teachnique of knowledge, concentration and meditation.
swDsMgiq scKMfu vswieAw ]1]
saadhasangati sach khandu vasaaiaa ||1||
The true Guru has established the abode of truth in the form of holy congregation.