8: Sbd kmweI swD sMg-s`q igxqI
Discipline of Word, association with saints the count of seven , -
sq smuMd smwie lY Bvjl AMdir rhy inrwlw ]
sat samound samaai lai bhavajal andari rahay niraalaa.
Gurmukhs moving in the holy congregation and having controlled the seven seas remain detached in this world ocean.
sqy dIp AnHyru hY gurmuiK dIpku sbd aujwlw ]
satay deep anhayr hai guramoukhi deepaku sabad ujaalaa.
All the seven continents are in darkness; gurmukh enlightener them by lamp of Word.
sqy purIAw soDIAw shj purI scI DRmswlw ]
satay pureeaa sodheeaa sahaj puree sachee dharamasaalaa.
The gurmukh has reformed all the seven purls (abodes of gods), and has found that only the state of equipoise is the real abode of truth.
sqy rohix sq vwr swDy PiV PiV mQy vwlw ]
satay rohani sat vaar saadhay dharhi dharhi maday vaalaa.
All the major nakstrs such as Sva-ti etc, and the seven days, he has controlled by holding them from their heads i.e. he has gone beyond their deceptions.
qRY sqy bRhmMif kir vIh iekIh aulMiG suKwlw ]
trai satay brahamandi kari veeh ikeeh ulaghi soukhaalaa.
Twenty-one cities and their ostentations he has crossed and he lives happily (in his self).
sqy sur BrpUru kir sqI DwrI pwir ipAwlw ]
satay sur bharapooru kari satee dhaaree paari piaalaa.
He has known the comprehensiveness of the seven melodies (of music) and he has crossed the seven streams of the mountains.
swDsMgiq gur sbd smwlw ]8]
saadhasangati gur sabad samaalaa ||8||
This could be possible because he has sustained and accomplished the Word of the Guru in the holy congregation.