9: mnvs swD sMg-A`T igxqI
Association with the saints the count of eight, -
ATKMif pwKMf miq gurmiq iek min iek iDAwieAw ]
atd khandi paakhand mati guramati ik mani ik dhiaaiaa.
The person conducting in accordance with the wisdom of the Guru, goes beyond the hypocrisies of eight division (of four varnas and four ashramas) and adores the Lord with single minded devotion.
AstDwqu pwrs imlI gurmuiK kMcnu joiq jgwieAw ]
asat dhaatu paaras milee guramoukhi kanchanu joti jagaaiaa.
Eight metals in the form of four vamas and four religions having met the philosopher's stone in the form of Guru have convereted themselves into gold, the gurmukh, the enlightened one.
iriD isiD isD swiDkW Awid purK Awdysu krwieAw ]
ridhi sidhi sidh saadhikaan aadi purakh aadaysu karaaiaa.
The siddhs and other miraculous practitioners have saluted to that primal Lord alone.
ATy phr ArwDIAY sbd suriq ilv AlKu lKwieAw ]
atdai pahar araadheeai sabad surati liv alakhu lakhaaiaa.
That Lord ought to be adored all the eight watches of time; by merger of the consciousness in the Word, the imperceptible is perceived.
Ast kulI ivhu auqrI siqgur miq n mohy mwieAw ]
asat kulee vihu outaree satigur mati n mohay maaiaa.
By adopting the advice of the true Gum, the poison (stigma) of the eight generations is wiped out and now the intellect does not get deluded due to maya.
mnu AswDu n swDIAY gurmuiK suKPlu swiD sDwieAw ]
manu asaadhu n saadheeai guramoukhi soukh phalu saadhi sadhaaiaa.
The gurmukhs by their loving devotion have refined the incorrigible mind.
swDsMgiq imil mn vis AwieAw ]9]
saadhasangati mili man vasi aaiaa ||9||
The mind is controlled only by meeting the holy congregation.