RehatnameyAng 1Rehatnama Bhai Prehlad SinghRehatnama Bhai Prehlad Singh131 linesUnknown

rihqnwmw BweI pRihlwd isMG ]

rahitanaamaa bhaiee prahilaadh singh ||

Description of the way of life by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (as related to Bhai Prahilad Singh).

hukm hoAw isrI muKvwk pwÚ 10

hukam hoaa siree mukhavaak paa 10

Commandments of the tenth master.

lwl dirAweI ky pRQwie ]

laal dhariaaiee ke prathai ||

As recorded by Bhai Lal Dariai Udasi.

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dhoharaa ||


Abcl ngr bYTy gurU mn mih kIAw bIcwr ]

abachal nagar baithe guroo man meh keeaa beechaar ||

Sitting in Abchal Nagar, the Guru contemplated inwardly.

boilAw pUrw siqgurU kir nmskwr krqwr ]1]

boliaa pooraa satiguroo kar namasakaar karataar ||1||

The true Guru spoke: Salutations to Kartar, the Creator.

hukmu hoXw pRihlwd isMG ibpR jwiq hMsrwie ]

hukam hoyaa prahilaadh singh bipx jaat hansarai ||

Prahilad Singh the Brahmin of Hansrai clan was summoned;

inkt bulwXw gurU jI lInau kMT lgwie ]2]

nikat bulaayaa guroo jee leenau kanth lagai ||2||

Calling him near, the Guru embraced him.

pMQ clXo hY jgq mYˆ gur nwnk pRswid ]

panth chalayo hai jagat main gur naanak prasaadh ||

“By the Grace of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji this Path has been established in this world.”

rihq bqweIey Kwlsy sux BweI pRihlwd ]3]

rahit bataie'ee khaalase sun bhaiee prahilaadh ||3||

“I shall relate to you the way the Khalsa shall live, so listen, oh brother Prahilad.”

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


hoie isK isr topI DrY ]

hoi sikh sir topee dharai ||

A Sikh who wears a Topi (hat);

swq jnm kuStI huie mrY ]

saat janam kushatee hui marai ||

He shall suffer seven lives as a Leper.

jo isK gl mih qwgw mylY ]

jo sikh gal meh taagaa melai ||

The Sikh who wears a thread around his neck,

cOpV bwzI ginkw KylY ]4]

chauapar baazee ganikaa khelai ||4||

Gambles and keeps the company of prostitutes,

jnm suAwn pwvYgw koit ]

janam suaan paavaigaa kot ||

He shall be born as a dog numerous times;

bIjXo hwQ burw ies Kot ]

beejayo haath buraa is khot ||

This is what he reaps from the evil he sows.

pwg auqwir pRswid jo KwvY ]

paag utaar prasaadh jo khaavai ||

One who eats with his turban removed;

so isK kuMBI nrk isDwvY ]5]

so sikh kunbhee narak sidhaavai ||5||

Such a Sikh falls into the worst of hells.

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mIxw AOr msMdIAw monw kuVI jo mwr ]

meenaa aauar masandheeaa monaa kuree jo maar ||

The Minas, Masands, those who shave their heads, and murder their daughters;

hoie isK vrqn krih AMq krygw KuAwr ]6]

hoi sikh varatan kareh ant karegaa khuaar ||6||

A Sikh who associates with them shall be ruined at the end of his life.

vwihgurU ky mMqR ibn jpY Aaur koeI jwp ]

vaahiguroo ke mantx bin japai aaur koiee jaap ||

One who recites a Mantra other than the prescribed Gurmantar;

so swkq isK mUl nih bwcq sRI muK Awp ]7]

so saakat sikh mool neh baachat sree mukh aap ||7||

The Guru himself says such a shameless sinner is not a Sikh.

myrau hukm mwnih nhIˆ krih n isK kI syv ]

merau hukam maaneh naheen kareh na sikh kee sev ||

One who does not follow my Hukams and refuses to selflessly serve the Sikhs;

so bIrj mlyC ko prgt pCwnhu Byv ]8]

so beeraj malechh ko paragat pachhaanahu bhev ||8||

Recognize him to be a despicable person.

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hukm dyiK kwr nhIˆ rwKY ]

hukam dhekh kaar naheen raakhai ||

One who fails to abide by Hukam whilst being aware of it,

golk gop imiQAw muK BwKY ]

golak gop mithiaa mukh bhaakhai ||

One who deceitfully lies about the content of the Golak (donation box);

kwr Byt suK mMnq curwvY ]

kaar bhet sukh mannat churaavai ||

One who misappropriates offerings for his own selfish desires,

AYsw isK gurU nih BwvY ]9]

aaisaa sikh guroo neh bhaavai ||9||

Such a Sikh does not please the Guru.

qUt pirE mwieAw kI PwsI ]

toot pario maiaa kee faasee ||

Caught in the noose of Maya;

BRmqw iPrY lwK caurwsI ]

bhramataa firai laakh chauraasee ||

He will roam throughout the 8.4 million incarnations.

so bIrj mlyC ko jwn ]

so beeraj malechh ko jaan ||

Know him to be the breed of despicable;

sux BweI pRihlwd sujwn ]10]

sun bhaiee prahilaadh sujaan ||10||

Listen O' wise brother Prahilad.

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gurU Kwlsy Awid loˆ jo pwlY jg moh ]

guroo khaalase aadh lon jo paalai jag moh ||

One who has been a Khalsa from birth but is attached to this materialistic world;

so swkq nrkI sdw ien sy krY jo DRoh ]11]

so saakat narakee sadhaa in se karai jo dhroh ||11||

Such a sinner dwells in hell, such a person only produces wickedness.

sUhy AMbr pihn kr jo nwsy nsvwr ]

soohe anbar pahin kar jo naase nasavaar ||

One who wears crimson colored clothing and inhales snuff;

lgy qwVnw sIs pr sunIey nrk mMJwr ]1]

lage taaranaa sees par sune'ee narak manjhaar ||1||

Such a person will be beaten and thrown into hell.

ibnw jpu jwpu jpy jo jyvih pRswid ]

binaa jap jaap jape jo jeveh prasaadh ||

One who eats without reciting his morning prayers;

so ibstw kw ikrm huie jnm gvwvY bwd ]13]

so bisataa kaa kiram hui janam gavaavai baadh ||13||

He has made himself to be equal to the filth of worms, he will waste this precious human life.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


pRwqw kwl gur gIq n gwvY ]

praataa kaal gur geet na gaavai ||

One who does not sing the Guru's hymns in the early mornings;

rihrws ibnw pRswid jo KwvY ]

rahiraas binaa prasaadh jo khaavai ||

One who commences his meal before reciting Rahiraas,

bwhrmuKI isK iqs jwno ]

baaharamukhee sikh tis jaano ||

Know such a person to be a Sikh only in appearance;

sB brqn imiQAw iqs mwno ]14]

sabh baratan mithiaa tis maano ||14||

Know that all his actions are false.

lK caurwsIh BRmqw iPrY ]

lakh chauraaseeh bhramataa firai ||

Through the 8.4 million reincarnations he will wander in delusion;

bwr bwr jg jnmY mry ]

baar baar jag janamai mare ||

He will come over and over again in this world to be born and to die again.

gurU bcn isau qUtw jwie ]

guroo bachan siau tootaa jai ||

One who strays from the teachings of the Guru;

drgih qwˆ kau imlY sjwie ]15]

dharageh taan kau milai sajai ||15||

He will be punished in the court of the lord.

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dhoharaa ||


Akwl purK kau Cwf kir BjY dyv koeI Aaur ]

akaal purakh kau chhaadd kar bhajai dhev koiee aaur ||

He who forsakes Akaal Purakh and worships another deity;

jnm jnm BRmqw iPrih lhih n suK kI Taur ]16]

janam janam bhramataa fireh laheh na sukh kee thaur ||16||

He will wander through birth after birth, finding no place of peace.

pwhn kI pUjw krY isK n invwvih sIs ]

paahan kee poojaa karai sikh na nivaaveh sees ||

One who chooses to worship stone idols as opposed to bowing before the Sikhs of the Guru;

so swkq ingurw sdw mwirAw sRI jgdIs ]17]

so saakat niguraa sadhaa maariaa sree jagadhees ||17||

Such a sinner is a 'Nigura' (One without a Guru), he will be struck by the Lord of this World.

krI Qwpnw jws kI moh ju Apny hwiQ ]

karee thaapanaa jaas kee moh ju apane haath ||

Those who claim themselves equal to what I established with my own hands;

iqs kI smsr jo krY jr jwvih kul swiQ ]18]

tis kee samasar jo karai jar jaaveh kul saath ||18||

He shall suffer and bring misery upon his own family.

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dhoharaa ||


kwr Byt suK mMnq kr jo isK icq BRmwie ]

kaar bhet sukh mannat kar jo sikh chit bhramai ||

The Sikh who promises to make an offering then hesitates to do so;

so swkq pwpI sdw ibkt rUp hoie jwie ]19]

so saakat paapee sadhaa bikat roop hoi jai ||19||

Such a faithless cynic is a great sinner and will be punished with a terrible form.

kuVImwr msMd jo mIxy kw pRswid ]

kureemaar masandh jo meene kaa prasaadh ||

The food provided by those that kill their daughters, Minas, and Masands;

ley ju ien ky hwQ kw jnm gvwvih bwd ]20]

le ju in ke haath kaa janam gavaaveh baadh ||20||

One who takes it will waste this precious life.

Cwf isKn ky crn kau ley pMQ jo Aaur ]

chhaadd sikhan ke charan kau le panth jo aaur ||

One who abandons the Sikhs and joins another religion;

AYQih EQih duK lhY gur isKn ko cor ]21]

aaitheh otheh dhukh lahai gur sikhan ko chor ||21||

He will experience pain here and in the hereafter, for his betrayal of the Guru and the Sikhs.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


mVHI gor dyvl jo mwnY ]

marhee gor dheval jo maanai ||

One who worships grave sites, temples containing idols, and cremation grounds;

pr pMQn ko aUc bKwnY ]

par panthan ko uooch bakhaanai ||

One who considers another religion to be higher than the Khalsa,

so swkq gur kw isK nwhI ]

so saakat gur kaa sikh naahee ||

Such a faithless cynic is not a Sikh of the Guru.

Pwis prXo jm kMkr pwhI ]22]

faas parayo jam kankar paahee ||22||

He will be caught in the noose of Yama.

topI dyiK invwvih sIs ]

topee dhekh nivaaveh sees ||

One who bows before those who wear hats;

so isK nrkI ibsÍY bIs ]

so sikh narakee bisavai bees ||

That Sikh is a dweller of hell.

Akwl purK kI syvw krY ]

akaal purakh kee sevaa karai ||

Serve only Akaal Purakh;

so isK bMs sgl ly qrY ]23]

so sikh bans sagal le tarai ||23||

Thus one's family and descendants are saved.

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dhoharaa ||


gurU Kwlsw mwnIAih prgt gurU kI dyh ]

guroo khaalasaa maane'eeh paragat guroo kee dheh ||

Recognize the Sri Guru Khalsa Panth as the physically manifested body of the Guru;

jo isK mo imlby cihh Koj ienhu mih lyhu ]24]

jo sikh mo milabe chaheh khoj inahu meh leh ||24||

The Sikh who wishes to meet me shall find me in their midst.

kwn kty Ar qurk kw krY n mUl ivswhu ]

kaan kate ar turak kaa karai na mool visaahu ||

Have no faith in yogis who pierce their ears, do not associate with the Turks (Mughals).

jo isK soˆ ihq n krih so nrky pir jwhu ]25]

jo sikh son hit na kareh so narake par jaahu ||25||

The Sikh who shows no love for the Guru is bound for hell.

siqgur kI bwxI ibn rsnw rtih jo hor ]

satigur kee baanee bin rasanaa rateh jo hor ||

He who meditates in repetition on sayings other than the True Guru's Bani;

so mwirAw krqwr kw pVw nrk mD Gor ]26]

so maariaa karataar kaa paraa narak madh ghor ||26||

He will be struck by Kartar (the Creator) and descend into the middle of hell.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


Cy drsn kI jo mq DwrY ]

chhe dharasan kee jo mat dhaarai ||

One who believes in the six systems of Hindu philosophy;

kul sMbUh lY nrk isDwrY ]

kul sanbooh lai narak sidhaarai ||

He will fall in hell and take his descendants with him.

bwJhu gur isKn kry syvw ]

baajhahu gur sikhan kare sevaa ||

Apart from the service of the Guru of the Sikhs;

imiQAw mwno sur nr dyvw ]27]

mithiaa maano sur nar dhevaa ||27||

All other worship of deities, and beings is futile.

Akwl purK kI mUrq eyh ]

akaal purakh kee moorat eh ||

This is the form of Akaal Purakh;

prgt Akwl Kwlsw dyv ]

paragat akaal khaalasaa dhev ||

Akaal is manifest in the Khalsa.

Xw myˆ rMc imiQAw nih BwKI ]

yaa men ranch mithiaa neh bhaakhee ||

None of what I say is false;

gur nwnk gur AMgd swKI ]28]

gur naanak gur angadh saakhee ||28||

Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Angad Dev Ji bear witness to this.

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lYxw dyxw Kwlsy Awn dyv sB JUT ]

lainaa dhenaa khaalase aan dhev sabh jhooth ||

Have dealings only with the Khalsa; other deities are all false.

Aaur dyv iev mwnIey ijauˆ bwrU kI mUT ]29]

aaur dhev iv maane'ee jiaun baaroo kee mooth ||29||

To pay homage to these deities is like running sand through one's fingers.

Akwl purK ky bcn isauˆ pRgt clwXo pMQ ]

akaal purakh ke bachan siaun pragat chalaayo panth ||

With the command of Akaal Purakh this Panth was established.

sB isKn ko bcn hY gurU mwnIAhu gRMQ ]30]

sabh sikhan ko bachan hai guroo maaneeahu granth ||30||

It is a commandment upon all Sikhs to recognize Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru.

Qwp clXo jo jgq mYˆ iqnih invwvau mwQ ]

thaap chalayo jo jagat main tineh nivaavau maath ||

It has been established in this world; bow before it.

vwihgurU ky mMqR ibn imiQAw swrI gwQ ]31]

vaahiguroo ke mantx bin mithiaa saaree gaath ||31||

Without the Mantra of Waheguru, all else is false.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


isK kau isK jau AMbr dInw ]

sikh kau sikh jau anbar dheenaa ||

A Sikh who gives another Sikh clothing;

koit AsumYD j`g Pl kInw ]

kot asumaidh ja'g fal keenaa ||

Consider it equal to millions of sacrifices.

jo gur kI bwxI isK gwvY ]

jo gur kee baanee sikh gaavai ||

The Sikh who sings the Bani of the Guru;

jIvn mukiq pdwrQ pwvY ]32]

jeevan mukat padhaarath paavai ||32||

He obtains the treasure of liberating himself whilst alive.

cwpI kro mlih isK crnw ]

chaapee karo maleh sikh charanaa ||

One who massages the feet of other Sikhs;

iqs isK ko mYˆ lIno srnw ]

tis sikh ko main leeno saranaa ||

I will embrace and bring that Sikh under my sanctuary.

kir pRswid isK muK pwvY ]

kar prasaadh sikh mukh paavai ||

One who prepares food and feeds it to his fellow Sikh;

iqs isK pY gur vwrny jwvY ]33]

tis sikh pai gur vaarane jaavai ||33||

The Guru is a sacrifice unto such Sikhs.

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dhoharaa ||


rihrws smy gurU hukm ko pFih pRIq sq Bwau ]

rahiraas same guroo hukam ko paddeh preet sat bhaau ||

During the time of Rahiraas, read the Hukamnama with love and respect.

pRym sihq rsnw rtih prgt imlih muih Awau ]34]

prem sahit rasanaa rateh paragat mileh muh aau ||34||

He who recites with love upon his tongue, shall find that the truth appears in the words he utters.

cOpeI ]

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bcn pRqIq rKih isK joeI ]

bachan prateet rakheh sikh joiee ||

The Sikh who remains true to the Hukam;

qYso hI Pl prwpq hoeI ]

taiso hee fal paraapat hoiee ||

He shall reap the fruits of his endeavors.

gur kw bcn gurU kI mUrq ]

gur kaa bachan guroo kee moorat ||

The words of the Guru is the very form of the Guru.

Bugiq mukiq vr swco pUrq ]35]

bhugat mukat var saacho poorat ||35||

Remaining steadfast to them, he will secure liberation.

rihxI rhih soeI isK myrw ]

rahinee raheh soiee sikh meraa ||

May my Sikh be a strict adherent to the true way of living;

vh Twkur mYˆ aus kw cyrw ]

veh thaakur main us kaa cheraa ||

He is my master and I am his disciple.

krih Akwl purK kI Awsw ]

kareh akaal purakh kee aasaa ||

Putting his faith in Akaal Purakh;

jnm mrn kt fwrY &wsw ]36]

janam maran kat ddaarai phaasaa ||36||

He evades the noose of transmigration.

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siq Akwl sRI vwihgurU Drm bIj Xh mMq ]

sat akaal sree vaahiguroo dharam beej yeh mant ||

The true Akaal, Waheguru, this mantra is the seed of Dharma.

srb jwp kau jwpu ieh kihE Awid Ar AMq ]37]

sarab jaap kau jaap ieh kahio aadh ar ant ||37||

Meditation is contained in repeating this mantra, from the beginning till the end.

sMbq sqRh sY Bey brK bvMjw inhwr ]

sanbat satreh sai bhe barakh bavanjaa nihaar ||

mwG vdI iQiq pMcmI rivvwr suB vwr ]38]

maagh vadhee thit panchamee ravivaar subh vaar ||38||

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k`C kys kMGw ikrpwn ]

ka'chh kes kanghaa kirapaan ||

kVw AOr jo kro bKwn ]

karaa aauar jo karo bakhaan ||

eyh k`ky pMj qum mwno ]

eh ka'ke panj tum maano ||

gurU gRMQ ko qum sB jwno ]39]

guroo granth ko tum sabh jaano ||39||

gurmuK isMG AwigAw muih dInI ]

gurmukh singh aagiaa muh dheenee ||

rihqnwmw qum ilKo nvInI ]1]

rahitnaamaa tum likho naveenee ||1||

ieiq sRI rihqnwmw sRI gurU klgIDr gurU goibMd isMG jI BweI pRihlwd isMG pRiq ] sMpUrxM ]

eit sree rahitanaamaa sree guroo kalageedhar guroo gobind singh jee bhaiee prahilaadh singh prat || sampooranan ||

Here ends the Rehitnama of the Kalghidar Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji as related to Bhai Prahilad Singh Ji. Complete.