RehatnameyAng 1Rehatnama Bhai Desa SinghRehatnama Bhai Desa Singh542 linesUnknown

rihqnwmw BweI dysw isMG

rahitanaamaa bhaiee dhesaa singha

Rehatnama written by Bhai Desa Singh

SRI muKvwk pwqSwhI 10 ]

shree mukhavaak paatashaahee 10 ||

Verbal Declaration of the Tenth Sovereign.

sorTw ]

sorathaa ||

goibMd isMG isr nXwie pun gur crnn DXwn Dir ]

gobindh singh sir nayai pun gur charanan dhayaan dhar ||

brnn kro bnwie isMGn kI SuB rihq jo ]1]

baranan karo banai singhan kee shubh rahit jo ||1||

pUCauˆ gur qy jwie... ]2]

poochhaun gur te jai...||2||

mn mih AYs Dwr kr Ar auT kY qih Awp ]

man meh aais dhaar kar ar uth kai teh aap ||

jih bYTy goibMd isMG jwˆ kO vf pRqwp ]3]

jeh baithe gobindh singh jaan kau vadd prataap ||3||

pRSn krw nMd lwl qb sunhu dyv gurdyv ]

prashan karaa nandh laal tab sunahu dhev gurdhev ||

sB isKn kI rihq ko moh bqwvhu Byv ]4]

sabh sikhan kee rahit ko moh bataavahu bhev ||4||

qb boly goibMd isMG srl igrw gMBIr ]

tab bole gobindh singh saral giraa ganbheer ||

sB isMGn kI rihq jo qumih sunwvhu bIr ]5]

sabh singhan kee rahit jo tumeh sunaavahu beer ||5||

sorTw ]

sorathaa ||


pRQm rihq Xh jwn KMfy kI pwhul Cky ]

pratham rahit yeh jaan khandde kee paahul chhake ||

Know that the first injunction of the Rehit is to undertake the Amrit of the two-edged sword.

soeI isMG pRDwn Avr n pwhul jo ley ]6]

soiee singh pradhaan avar na paahul jo le ||6||

Such a Singh is superior who takes Amrit of no other kind.

pwˆc isMG AMimRq jo dyvYˆ ]

paanch singh anmirat jo dhevain ||

The Amrit which the five Singhs give;

qwˆ ko isr Dr Ck pun lyvY ]

taan ko sir dhar chhak pun levai ||

He should bow his head and receive it.

pun iml pwˆchu rihq jo BwKihˆ ]

pun mil paanchahu rahit jo bhaakhahin ||

Then the Rehit which the five Singhs deliver;

qwˆ ko mn mYˆ idRV kr rwKih ]7]

taan ko man main dhirar kar raakheh ||7||

He should fix it within his heart.

kuVI mwr Awidk hYˆ jyqy ]

kuree maar aadhik hain jete ||

Those who kill their daughters and commit other such evil deeds;

mn qy dUr iqAwgy qyqy ]

man te dhoor tiaage tete ||

Keep well away from them, renounce them.

bwxI mwih nyhu inq kwrno ]

baanee maeh neh nit kaarano ||

Every day show your love for the Guru's Bani.

cuglI inMdw Ar prhrno ]8]

chugalee nindhaa ar paraharano ||8||

Renounce backbiting slandering, and the property of other's.

pRQm rhq eyhI hY khI ]

pratham rahat ehee hai kahee ||

The first commands of the Rehit are those;

pwhul mYˆ jo isMGn khI ]

paahul main jo singhan kahee ||

Which the Singhs have prescribed to you in the Pahul ceremony.

AOr ju rhq khI hY nwnHw ]

aauar ju rahat kahee hai naanhaa ||

The other injunctions of the Rehit;

so qum Awgy krhu BKwnwˆ ]9]

so tum aage karahu bhakhaanaan ||9||

I say before you so you may explain to other Singhs.

vwh gurU inq bcn aucwry ]

vaeh guroo nit bachan uchaare ||

Every day utter Waheguru.

vwh gurU ko ihrdY Dwry ]8]

vaeh guroo ko hiradhai dhaare ||8||

Imbue the mantra of Waheguru in your heart.

Awgy Awvq isMG jo pwvY ]

aage aavat singh jo paavai ||

When a Singh comes across you;

vwhgurU kI Pqih bulwvY ]

vaahaguroo kee fateh bulaavai ||

Greet him with *Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh*.

pRwqih auT ieSnwnih krY ]

praateh uth ishanaaneh karai ||

Arise at the last quarter of night and take a bath.

pun muK qy jpu jwpu aucrY ]9]

pun mukh te jap jaap ucharai ||9||

Then recite your morning prayers such as JapJi and Jaap.

XQwSkiq ikC dyvih dwn ]

yathaashakat kichh dheveh dhaan ||

Give to charity as your resources permit;

soeI isMG hY prm sujwn ]11]

soiee singh hai param sujaan ||11||

Such a Singh is supremely Wise.

nwm dwn pRwqy iesnwnw ]

naam dhaan praate isanaanaa ||

Naam, charity and bathing at morning hours;

ijn gur ikRpw iqnhu ieh jwnw ]

jin gur kirapaa tinahu ieh jaanaa ||

Are known and practiced by those whom the Guru has been gracious to.

ds nK kr jo kwr kmwvY ]

dhas nakh kar jo kaar kamaavai ||

Profit which you have made with the ten nails of your hands (honest earnings);

qwˆ kr jo Dn Gr mY AwvY ]12]

taan kar jo dhan ghar mai aavai ||12||

Sustain your household only with such an income.

iqhqy gur dsvMD ju dyeI ]

tihate gur dhasavandh ju dheiee ||

The Singh who donates a tenth of his income to the Guru;

isMG su js bhu jg mih lyeI ]

singh su jas bahu jag meh leiee ||

shall be greatly honored in this world.

pr bytI ko bytI jwnY ]

par betee ko betee jaanai ||

Consider another's daughter as your own daughter;

pr iesqRI ko mwq bKwnY ]13]

par isatree ko maat bakhaanai ||13||

Consider another's wife as your own mother.

Awpin iesqRI soˆ riq hoeI ]

aapan isatree son rat hoiee ||

One who remains loyal to his own wife;

rhqvMq isMG hY soeI ]

rahatavant singh hai soiee ||

Is a Rehitvant (one who is dedicated to the Rehit) Singh.

kwm kRoD mwn md loBw ]

kaam krodh maan madh lobhaa ||

Lust, anger, pride, intoxication, and greed;

ieh vYrI kr hY mn CoBw ]14]

ieh vairee kar hai man chhobhaa ||14||

These are the enemies which afflict the heart.

ien ko hT kr jIvq krY ]

in ko hath kar jeevat karai ||

One who resists them begins to truly live life.

dXw Drm qp so mn DrY ]

dhayaa dharam tap so man dharai ||

Keep within your heart Compassion, righteousness, and austerity.

kC ikRpwn n kbhUM iqAwgY ]

kachh kirapaan na kabahoon tiaagai ||

Never be separated from your Kachera and Kirpan.

snmuK lrY n rx qy BwgY ]15]

sanamukh larai na ran te bhaagai ||15||

Fight the enemy directly, never turn your back and flee from the battlefield.

go bRHmx kI r`iKAw krY ]

go brhaman kee ra'khiaa karai ||

qurkn soˆ Aiq hT kir mrY ]

turakan son at hath kar marai ||

qurk dyK nih sIs invwvY ]

turak dhekh neh sees nivaavai ||

rhqvMq so isMG khwvY ]16]

rahatavant so singh kahaavai ||16||

hY AnMdpur prm suhwvn ]

hai anandhapur param suhaavan ||

AMimRqsr SuB sB mn Bwvn ]

anmritasar shubh sabh man bhaavan ||

hirmMdr ptnY mYˆ joeI ]

harimandhar patanai main joiee ||

d`Kix Abcl ngr so hoeI ]17]

dha'khan abachal nagar so hoiee ||17||

qhw jwie pRkrmw krY ]

tahaa jai prakaramaa karai ||

XQwSkiq kuC Bytw DrY ]18]

yathaashakat kuchh bhetaa dharai ||18||

dy Ardws invwvY sIs ]

dhe aradhaas nivaavai sees ||

When reciting Ardas bow your head.

mn mYˆ DXwvY gur jgdIs ]

man main dhayaavai gur jagadhees ||

Meditate upon the supreme Guru within your heart.

jhwˆ Kwlsw bYTw pwvY ]

jahaan khaalasaa baithaa paavai ||

Wherever you happen to find a Khalsa;

vwihgurU jI kI Pqy bulwvY ]19]

vaahiguroo jee kee fate bulaavai ||19||

Greet him with *Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh*.

pRym shq jo drsn kr hY ]

prem sahat jo dharasan kar hai ||

One who comes for Darshan with love;

qy pun Bv swgr nih pr hY ]

te pun bhav saagar neh par hai ||

Will not have to cross over the World-ocean again.

nOkr qurkn kw nihˆ hoieˆ ]

nauakar turakan kaa nahin hoin ||

Do not become a servant of the Turks (ruling Mughals).

qurk slwm kry nih koie ]20]

turak salaam kare neh koi ||20||

No one shall greet with the Salaam (salutations) of the Turks.

qurkn pr ibSÍws n krIey ]

turakan par bishavaiaas na kare'e ||

Do not trust the Turks.

kr mYqRI nih ibvhrIey ]

kar maitree neh bivahare'e ||

Have no friendly dealings with them.

nOkr hoie Kwlsy kyrw ]

nauakar hoi khaalase keraa ||

Be the servant of the Khalsa solely;

ijn imilAwˆ suK hoie Gnyrw ]21]

jin miliaan sukh hoi ghaneraa ||21||

Meeting whom one finds much bliss.

ijn drSn kr pwp imtwˆhI ]

jin dharashan kar paap mitaanhee ||

Having Darshan of whom obliterates sins.

mn pRsMn kuC icMqw nwhI ]

man prasann kuchh chintaa naahee ||

With content hearts they know no worries.

gurU srUp Kwlsw heIey ]

guroo saroop khaalasaa hie'ee ||

The very image of the Guru is the Khalsa;

ijn kI tihl prmsuK lhIey ]22]

jin kee tahil paramasukh lahe'ee ||22||

From whose service celestial peace is obtained.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


nOkr hoie nw skeI krY su Awn aupwie ]

nauakar hoi naa sakiee karai su aan upai ||

If one cannot render service, he should seek work elsewhere.

ijh ibiD rhq n nws hoie soeI tihl kmwie ]23]

jeh bidh rahat na naas hoi soiee tahil kamai ||23||

One should practice a profession which does not involve any violation of the Rehat.

KyqI vxj v islp bxwvY ]

khetee vanaj v silap banaavai ||

Engage in Farming, trade, handicrafts;

AOr tihl jo mn mo BwvY ]

aauar tahil jo man mo bhaavai ||

or any other profession which pleases your heart.

idRVH hueI soie kwr kmwvY ]

dhirarh huiee soi kaar kamaavai ||

Earn through hard and honest work.

cOrI fwky kbih n jwvY ]24]

chauaree ddaake kabeh na jaavai ||24||

Never steal or loot.

bysXw ibKXw jUAw qjY ]

besayaa bikhayaa jooaa tajai ||

Avoid prostitutes, intoxicants, and gambling.

mClI mws n kbhUM BjY ]

machhalee maas na kabahoon bhajai ||

Fish and animal's flesh, never go after these.

Gr mo swD isMG jo AweI ]

ghar mo saadh singh jo aaiee ||

Saintly Singhs who may come to your home;

iqn kI bhu ibiD syv krweI ]25]

tin kee bahu bidh sev karaiee ||25||

Serve them in many ways

crn Doie pRswd ijvwvY ]

charan dhoi prasaadh jivaavai ||

Wash their feat and offer food.

hir ky Bwv sBn mo ilAwvY ]26]

har ke bhaav sabhan mo liaavai ||26||

Treat and serve every person with the love of God.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


pwT gRMQ ko hoie jihM jihˆ hir kQw bKwn ]

paath granth ko hoi jahin jahin har kathaa bakhaan ||

Wherever the prayers and exegesis of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are being recited;

qh kCu Avr n boleI sunIey lwie iDAwn ]

teh kachh avar na boliee sune'ee lai dhiaan ||

Do not speak there and listen with concentration.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


ku`Tw hu`kw crs qmwkU ]

ku'thaa hu'kaa charas tamaakoo ||

Kutha, Hookah, Cannabis, Tobacco;

gwˆjw topI qwVI KwkU ]

gaanjaa topee taaree khaakoo ||

Ganja (hemp),tobacco toddy, and other such ruinous substances.

ien kI Er n kbhU dyKY ]

in kee or na kabahoo dhekhai ||

One who never even looks upon these;

rhqvMq so isMG ivsyKY ]

rahatavant so singh visekhai ||

Consider him my Rehatvant Singh.

rqI APIm ju mwsw BMg ]

ratee afeem ju maasaa bhang ||

ien ko Kwvih kdI insMg ]31]

in ko khaaveh kadhee nisang ||31||

ies qy AiDk n Aml vDwvY ]

is te adhik na amal vadhaavai ||

vDy Aml qau nr duK pwvY ]

vadhe amal tau nar dhukh paavai ||

bkrw Jtkw Cky qwˆ CkY ]

bakaraa jhatakaa chhake taan chhakai ||

AOr mws vl kbI n qkY ]32]

aauar maas val kabee na takai ||32||

SsqRhIn kbhU n hoeI ]

shasatraheen kabahoo na hoiee ||

One who is never without weapons;

rihqvMq Kwlsw hY soeI ]

rahitavant khaalasaa hai soiee ||

Know him to be my Rehatvant Khalsa.

sMinAwsI bYrwgI jo vY ]

sanniaasee bairaagee jo vai ||

Beware of ascetics Sanyasis and Bairaagis;

AOr audwsI jogI qy vY ]33]

aauar udhaasee jogee te vai ||33||

Avoid Udasis and Yogis.

jMgm bwmI Avr ij kyeI ]

jangam baamee avar j keiee ||

Shaivites and Bami (Tantric priests),

qwˆ kw jUTw kbI n lyeI ]

taan kaa joothaa kabee na leiee ||

Never eat the food defiled by them.

Kt drsn kI syvw kry ]

khat dharasan kee sevaa kare ||

gurU Bwv nih ien mo Dry ]34]

guroo bhaav neh in mo dhare ||34||

prmwrQ gurU eyko kihE ]

paramaarath guroo eko kahio ||

The supreme truth is the one which the Guru has uttered;

ijn ky Gr bs gun kCu lihE ]

jin ke ghar bas gun kachh lahio ||

From who's house virtues are obtained.

Twkur jwn skl so syvY ]

thaakur jaan sakal so sevai ||

Serve the Gurus (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Guru Khalsa Panth) as are your lords.

Bwv sihq kuC kr qy dyvY ]35]

bhaav sahit kuchh kar te dhevai ||35||

Act with love and give charity in their name.

gurmuKI A`Kr jo hYˆ BweI ]

gurmukhee a'khar jo hain bhaiee ||

The letters of the Gurmukhi alphabet which the Guru has created;

isMG isMG qy sIKih jweI ]

singh singh te seekheh jaiee ||

A Singh should learn them from another Singh.

AOr ju ivdXw jihˆ qihˆ hoeI ]

aauar ju vidhayaa jahin tahin hoiee ||

Other knowledge and sciences that exist from far and wide;

Avrn qy BI lyvhu soeI ]36]

avaran te bhee levahu soiee ||36||

Strive to learn them from others.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


pRwqh auT iesnwn kir pVih jwpu jpu doie ]

praateh uth isanaan kar pareh jaap jap dhoi ||

Arise at the last quarter of night, bathe and then start the morning prayers by reading both Japji and Jaap,

sodr kI cOˆkI kry Awls krY n koie ]37]

sodhar kee chauankee kare aalas karai na koi ||37||

Recite the Sodar at evening, do not be lazy about this.

phir rwq bIq hY jbhI ]

pahar raat beet hai jabahee ||

When the first quarter of night arrives;

soihlw pwT krY so qbhI ]

sohilaa paath karai so tabahee ||

Recite the Sohila then.

duhUˆ gRMQ mYˆ bwxI joeI ]

dhuhoon granth main baanee joiee ||

The Bani enshrined in both Granths;

cun cun kMT kry inq soeI ]38]

chun chun kanth kare nit soiee ||38||

Select portions from each and commit them to memory.

dsmI Awid gurU idn jyqy ]

dhasamee aadh guroo dhin jete ||

Days associated with the Gurus, from the tenth to the first;

purb smwn khy hYˆ qyqy ]

purab samaan kahe hain tete ||

Celebrate them as festivals and holy days.

iqn mo kCu pRswid bxwvY ]

tin mo kachh prasaadh banaavai ||

Prepare food on these occasions.

kr kVwh Kwlsy KvwvY ]39]

kar karaeh khaalase khavaavai ||39||

Cook the food in an iron bowl and offer it to the Khalsa.

XQwSkiq Ardwis iB dyvY ]

yathaashakat aradhaas bh dhevai ||

Give as much as you can afford when offering Ardas.

KwlI hwQ nw kbhUM syvY ]

khaalee haath naa kabahoon sevai ||

Never come with an empty hand.

Awp isMG jo rwjw hoeI ]

aap singh jo raajaa hoiee ||

A Singh who is a ruler;

inrDn isMGn pwlY soeI ]40]

niradhan singhan paalai soiee ||40||

He should care for the poorer Singhs.

inrDn Kwlsy nyhu lgwvY ]

niradhan khaalase neh lagaavai ||

Show love for the poorer Khalsas.

DnbwzI dy pRIiq bFwvY ]

dhanabaazee dhe preet baddaavai ||

Increase love for them by giving them horses, and benefactions.

prdysI isMGn jb dyKY ]

paradhesee singhan jab dhekhai ||

When one finds Singhs who come from afar;

ien kI syvw krY ivsyKY ]41]

in kee sevaa karai visekhai ||41||

He must serve them whole-heartedly.

Bwau Dn dy ibdw so kry ]

bhaau dhan dhe bidhaa so kare ||

He who bids farewell by bestowing affection and offerings;

rhy pws qy qo inq Anusry ]

rahe paas te to nit anusare ||

Will forever retain his benefactions.

mDur bcn sbhn sMg bwKY ]

madhur bachan sabahan sang baakhai ||

Speak sweetly in the presence of all;

cwkr isMGn hI ko rwKY ]42]

chaakar singhan hee ko raakhai ||42||

Keep only Singhs as close servants.

isMG isMG soˆ nyhu su krno ]

singh singh son nehu su karano ||

A Singh must always have love for other Singhs;

bYr Bwv mn qy pirhrno ]

bair bhaav man te pariharano ||

and must banish enmity from his heart.

isMG isMG pr SsqR n kry ]

singh singh par shasatx na kare ||

A Singh must never raise a weapon against another Singh;

jwn gurU Kwlsy qy fry ]43]

jaan guroo khaalase te ddare ||43||

See him as the Guru and fear the Khalsa.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


prnwrI jUAw Asq corI mdrw jwn ]

paranaaree jooaa asat choree madharaa jaan ||

Know another's women, gambling, speaking falseness, theft, and alcohol;

pwˆc AYˆb Xy jgq mY qjY su isMG sujwn ]44]

paanch aainb ye jagat mai tajai su singh sujaan ||44||

These are five Aibs (evil vices) of this world, the Singh who rejects them is wise.

rx mo cly qy mdrw syvY ]

ran mo chale te madharaa sevai ||

Avr idvs khUM nwm n lyvY ]

avar dhivas kahoon naam na levai ||

rx ko pwie isMG ijauˆ grjY ]

ran ko pai singh jiaun garajai ||

In the battlefield the Singh must thunderously roar.

snmuK lry mlyCn brjY ]45]

sanamukh lare malechhan barajai ||45||

Fighting face to face he puts cease to and ends the invaders.

rx ko jwie n kbhUM Bwgy ]

ran ko jai na kabahoon bhaage ||

Never flee the battlefield;

lrY qurk so soAw jwgy ]

larai turak so soaa jaage ||

Fight the Turk, whether awake or asleep.

CqRI krm su idRV kir DwrY ]

chhatree karam su dhirar kar dhaarai ||

Enact the deeds of a Kshatriya (warrior) with firm determination;

mwr mwr rx mih aucwrY ]46]

maar maar ran meh uchaarai ||46||

Crying *Kill! Kill* in the battlefield.

frY n nYku infr hoie lry ]

ddarai na naik niddar hoi lare ||

Have not even a drop of fear, fight fearlessly.

mwrhuM vYrI ieh jIA Dry ]

maarahun vairee ieh jeea dhare ||

Imbue *I shall kill the enemy* in your very spirit.

jo kbhU rx pRwxih jwvY ]

jo kabahoo ran praaneh jaavai ||

Those who loose their life in battle;

inscy so bYkuMT isDwvY ]47]

nisache so baikunth sidhaavai ||47||

They shall certainly attain paradise.

rx Sqrun jo jIqy kbhUM ]

ran shatarun jo jeete kabahoon ||

He who defeats the enemy in battle;

jg moˆ js pwvih go qbhUM ]

jag mon jas paaveh go tabahoon ||

Shall have his glory resounding throughout the entire world.

qwˆ qy juD mhwˆ idRVH hoeI ]

taan te judh mahaan dhirarh hoiee ||

Therefore, stand firm in even the greatest of wars.

rx mo qij nih BwgY soeI ]48]

ran mo taj neh bhaagai soiee ||48||

Never turn and flee from the field of battle.

jo kbhUM rx qy mn frY ]

jo kabahoon ran te man ddarai ||

If one is unworthy of the battlefield;

ikRKI Awid kir jIvkw krY ]

kirakhee aadh kar jeevakaa karai ||

May he remain in agriculture or any other work.

cwr vrn mo nr hYˆ jyqy ]

chaar varan mo nar hain jete ||

To all the men of all four Varnas;

kir aupdyS pryry qyqy ]49]

kar upadhesh parere tete ||49||

I direct these teachings to them.

ijauˆ ikauˆ kr iqn isMG bnwvY ]

jiaun kiaun kar tin singh banaavai ||

He who makes others Singhs;

mwnY nihˆ qihM loB idKwvY ]

maanai nahin tahin lobh dhikhaavai ||

should not show pride in his achievement.

kutMb mwih nih Aiq mn dyeI ]

kutanb maeh neh at man dheiee ||

Do not attach yourself wholly to your family;

gur ky crx inrMqr syeI ]50]

gur ke charan nirantar seiee ||50||

Continuously love and serve the Guru.

pRwrbD pr inscY rwKY ]

praarabadh par nisachai raakhai ||

Keep faith in the destiny which has been given to you;

Aiq Dn iqRsnw mn qy nwKY ]

at dhan tirasanaa man te naakhai ||

Restrain yourself from developing a thirst for excessive wealth.

lIlHw liKE so Awpih AwvY ] ... ]51]

leelhaa lakhio so aapeh aavai ||...||51||

mn coKw kir brKq hoeI ]

man chokhaa kar barakhat hoiee ||

If one cleans his heart, blessings will showered upon him.

rx qwqw Gr sIArw hoeI ]

ran taataa ghar seearaa hoiee ||

Fiercely aggressive on the battlefield, yet he is tranquil at home.

srl bcn mn irj muK mITw ]

saral bachan man rij mukh meethaa ||

Simple of speech, of upright spirit, and of sweet words:

gur kY bcn lgwvY fITw ]52]

gur kai bachan lagaavai ddeethaa ||52||

He will be recognized as devoted to the Guru.

kruxw muidqw mYqRI eyh ]

karunaa mudhitaa maitree eh ||

It is the grace of friendship;

ien soˆ kry inrMqr nyhu ]

in son kare nirantar neh ||

to show endless love.

inmq suBwv n kbhUM iqAwgY ]

nimat subhaav na kabahoon tiaagai ||

Never forsake the way of humility.

durjn dyK dUr qy BwgY ]53]

dhurajan dhekh dhoor te bhaagai ||53||

Flee from the wicked people.

durjn kI sMgiq suK nwhI ]

dhurajan kee sangat sukh naahee ||

There is no happiness in the company of the wicked people;

kr ibcwr dyKhu mn mwhIˆ ]

kar bichaar dhekhahu man maaheen ||

Reflect on this within your mind.

kwm kRoD loB md mwn ]

kaam krodh lobh madh maan ||

lust, anger, greed, intoxication, and pride;

ien ko Qory kry sXwn ]54]

in ko thore kare sayaan ||54||

The wise will restrict these.

ibnY ibbyk Drm idRVH rwKY ]

binai bibek dharam dhirarh raakhai ||

Firmly uphold humility, Bibek (wisdom) and Righteousness.

imQXw bcn n kbhUM BwKY ]55]

mithayaa bachan na kabahoon bhaakhai ||55||

Never utter a word of falseness.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


lrkn isauˆ imqRwiegI Xuviqn isauˆ bhu bwq ]

larakan siaun mitraigee yuvatin siaun bahu baat ||

With children one can be friendly and with young women he can have frequent conversations;

durjn kI sMgq kIey kho khwˆ kuslwq ]56]

dhurajan kee sangat ke'ee kaho kahaan kusalaat ||56||

But how can one be happy in the company of the wicked?

gur srDw idRVH Bgiq kmwvY ]

gur saradhaa dhirarh bhagat kamaavai ||

One who gains devotion through firm faith in the Guru;

vhI Kwlsw sd gq pwvY ]

vahee khaalasaa sadh gat paavai ||

Such a Khalsa shall attain eternal liberation.

Dn kIriq suK rwj vfweI ]

dhan keerat sukh raaj vaddaiee ||

Increase wealth, renown, and peaceful rule;

XuvqI suq ivdXw bhu BweI ]57]

yuvatee sut vidhayaa bahu bhaiee ||57||

Gain many daughters, sons, and knowledges, O'brother.

ey sb dwq gurU kI jwnY ]

e sab dhaat guroo kee jaanai ||

However, recognize all this to be the boon of the Guru;

qwˆ qy nih AiBmwnih TwnY ]

taan te neh abhimaaneh thaanai ||

Never become egotistical because of them.

mYˆ myrw ieh kbhUM n khY ]

main meraa ieh kabahoon na kahai ||

Never engross yourself in *Me* or *Mine* (in ego);

sdw ADIn gurU ky rhY ]58]

sadhaa adheen guroo ke rahai ||58||

Remain ever obedient to the Guru.

jo AsmrQ hoie hY BweI ]

jo asamarath hoi hai bhaiee ||

What can you achieve if you are weak?

kwn mUMd khUM jwie plweI ]59]

kaan moondh kahoon jai palaiee ||59||

What use is putting rings in your ears if you lack strength?

gur kI inMdw sunY ij kwn ]

gur kee nindhaa sunai j kaan ||

Listening to the slander of the Guru;

mhwˆ doK iqn byd bKwn ]

mahaan dhokh tin bedh bakhaan ||

Even the vedas call it a great sin.

jgq mwih pMQ hYˆ jyqy ]

jagat maeh panth hain jete ||

All the paths that exist in the world;

kbhI inMdih nwhI qyqy ]60]

kabahee nindheh naahee tete ||60||

Never slander any one of them.

sbY pMQ hYˆ hr ko Dwm ]

sabai panth hain har ko dhaam ||

All paths revere God;

ijm bs lyih hYˆ hir ko nwm ]

jim bas leh hain har ko naam ||

In which God's name is chanted.

inMdw cuglI AOr AsUXw ]

nindhaa chugalee aauar asooyaa ||

Slander, backbiting, and envy;

dIrG klh Bwau jo dUAw ]61]

dheeragh kaleh bhaau jo dhooaa ||61||

These are all great afflictions of duality.

ien ko mn qy dUrI krY ]

in ko man te dhooree karai ||

Keep all these away from your heart;

rwg dÍYK nih mn qy DrY ]

raag dhavaikh neh man te dharai ||

Do not hold materialistic attachment and duality in your heart.

mohr qurk pRswdih pwvY ]

mohar turak prasaadheh paavai ||

krs Byt ibn kbhUM n KwvY ]62]

karas bhet bin kabahoon na khaavai ||62||

jo kqhUM pRswdih pwvY ]

jo katahoon prasaadheh paavai ||

Whenever Prashad is prepared;

krd Byt ibn kbhUM n KwvY ]

karadh bhet bin kabahoon na khaavai ||

Do not eat it without performing Karad Bhet (ceremony of blessing food with a knife);

jo pRswid kw bwtwˆ kreI ]

jo prasaadh kaa baataan kariee ||

Whoever is given the service of distributing the Prasad;

sm vrqwrw sb kr DreI ]63]

sam varataaraa sab kar dhariee ||63||

Should ensure that it is distributed equally among all in the congregation;

Gwt bwF kqhUM nih dyvih ]

ghaat baadd katahoon neh dheveh ||

Never give unequal shares;

rhqvMq isMG so lyvih ]

rahatavant singh so leveh ||

This is the way of Rehitvant Singhs.

bwFI lykr nswX n krIey ]

baaddee lekar nasaay na kare'e ||

It is unlawful to take a bribe.

JUTI swKw kbhUM n BrIey ]64]

jhoothee saakhaa kabahoon na bhare'e ||64||

Never give false testimony.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


jo pRswd Ckny lgo hwQ sucyq krie ]

jo prasaadh chhakane lago haath suchet kari ||

Clean your hands (by washing them) before partaking in food.

eykwkI vh Kwie nih Avrn ko BI dyie ]65]

ekaakee veh khai neh avaran ko bhee dhei ||65||

Do not eat alone by yourself, share it with others.

bhu isMGn iml Bojn kIjY ]

bahu singhan mil bhojan keejai ||

Many Singhs should gather together and feast;

AYso hI suT jg js lIjY ]

aaiso hee suth jag jas leejai ||

Earn honor through such feasts.

jb jb rvny isMG iPryhI ]

jab jab ravane singh firehee ||

Whenever a Singh goes to relieve himself;

jl Br hwQ kmMfl lyeI ]66]

jal bhar haath kamanddal leiee ||66||

He should purify himself with water.

pun jl imd so mwrjn kryeI ]

pun jal midh so maarajan kareiee ||

After washing himself with water;

qb hI SsqR dyh DryeI ]

tab hee shasatx dheh dhareiee ||

Only then can he wear the Shastars (weapons).

pRwq iesnwn jqn so swDy ]

praat isanaan jatan so saadhe ||

He should wash himself scrupulously and thoroughly;

kMGw krd dsqwrih bwˆDy ]67]

kanghaa karadh dhasataareh baandhe ||67||

Always keep the Kanga (comb) and Karad (knife) tied into your Turban.

cwr GVI jb idvs rhweI ]

chaar gharee jab dhivas rahaiee ||

When four quarters of the day still remain;

pMc iesnwnw punh krweI ]

panch isanaanaa puneh karaiee ||

Proceed to perform the five acts of ablutions.

kMGw krd dsqwr sjwvY ]

kanghaa karadh dhasataar sajaavai ||

Don the Kanga and knife in your Turban.

iehI rhq isMGn so BwvY ]68]

ihee rahat singhan so bhaavai ||68||

This Rehit is befitting for Singhs.

eyk pwK bIqy hY jbhI ]

ek paakh beete hai jabahee ||

After a fortnight has a passed;

dDI soˆ kys nHvwvY qbhI ]

dhadhee son kes nhavaavai tabahee ||

Proceed to wash your hair.

kysn DUp dyie suc pwvn ]

kesan dhoop dhei such paavan ||

Dry your hair in the sun, keep them clean and pure;

hY ieh gurU kI mohr suhwvn ]69]

hai ieh guroo kee mohar suhaavan ||69||

For this is the beautiful seal of the Guru.

bIs idn gey bsn DulwvY ]

bees dhin ge basan dhulaavai ||

Wash your clothes after twenty days at the latest.

BUK lgy qb Bojn KwvY ]

bhookh lage tab bhojan khaavai ||

When one is hungry, he should freely eat.

Xw isCw hY gur ky brnI ]

yaa sichhaa hai gur ke baranee ||

This is the teaching which the Guru delivers to you;

SsqR ibnw Ardws n krnI ]70]

shasatx binaa aradhaas na karanee ||70||

Do not do Ardas without a Shastar (weapon).

rhqvMq isMG hY joeI ]

rahatavant singh hai joiee ||

A Singh who is Rehitvant;

kr aupwie Dn KwtY soeI ]

kar upai dhan khaatai soiee ||

Shall manage his wealthy wisely.

qwˆhI kr Gr ko inrbhY ]

taanhee kar ghar ko nirabahai ||

Thus he may provide for the needs of his household.

pUjw BUl n kbhUM ghY ]71]

poojaa bhool na kabahoon gahai ||71||

He never forgets to engage in devotional worship.

Drmswl kI Jwˆk n krnI ]

dharamasaal kee jhaank na karanee ||

One should not eye the Gurdwara for material gains;

mhwˆ doK hY gur ny brnI ]

mahaan dhokh hai gur ne baranee ||

The Guru considers this a great sin.

jy ko isMG pujwrI AhY ]

je ko singh pujaaree ahai ||

A Singh who is a priest;

so BI pUjw bhuq n ghY ]72]

so bhee poojaa bahut na gahai ||72||

he should never take more than necessary from the Gurdwara.

qn inrbwh mwqR so lyvY ]

tan nirabaeh maatx so levai ||

In order to live, he should take what he needs;

AiDk hoie qau jihˆ qihˆ dyvY ]

adhik hoi tau jahin tahin dhevai ||

If there is surplus, he should devote it to other causes.

bhuqI hoie qw dyg krwvY ]

bahutee hoi taa dheg karaavai ||

If there is a lot he should devote it to the langar;

nwqr gurduAwrw pr lwvY ]73]

naatar gurdhuaaraa par laavai ||73||

He should also direct it towards the maintenance of the Gurdwara.

AQvw sdw bRq ko dyeI ]

athavaa sadhaa brat ko dheiee ||

These offerings should always be used for the welfare of everyone;

suq XuvqI ihq kdy n lyeI ]

sut yuvatee hit kadhe na leiee ||

He should not hoard them for his own family.

jy pUjw ko Awpy KweI ]

je poojaa ko aape khaiee ||

If one who takes the oblations for himself;

Drm ArQ jV dyvihM nwhI ]74]

dharam arath jar dhevahin naahee ||74||

Then the meaning of Dharma will never take root.

iqnih klyS hoieMgy jyeI ]

tineh kalesh hoinge jeiee ||

Calamities will befall such a person;

qwˆ duK ko jwnYgy qyeI ]

taan dhukh ko jaanaige teiee ||

Then he will know the pain of his misdeeds.

jy kurihqIey jg drswvq ]

je kurahite'ee jag dharasaavat ||

If a Kurehiti (one who transgresses the Rehit) unapologetically shows face to the world;

pwhul pIie kukrm kmwvq ]

paahul peei kukaram kamaavat ||

By drinking Pahul then earning misdeeds.

iqn soˆ brqn nwih imlwvY ]

tin son baratan naeh milaavai ||

Do not mingle with such people;

rhY Alg prm suK pwvY ]75]

rahai alag param sukh paavai ||75||

Staying away from them, you will attain supreme peace.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


bhuq Bwˆq kw Kwlsw kihM lg krauˆ bKwn ]

bahut bhaant kaa khaalasaa kahin lag karaun bakhaan ||

There are many types of Khalsas, how may I even begin to describe them?

rhqvwn suB isMG jo iqn so lyie pCwn ]76]

rahatavaan subh singh jo tin so lei pachhaan ||76||

However, one can recognize them by their adherence to the Rehit.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


jih dIvwn isMGn ko BwrI ]

jeh dheevaan singhan ko bhaaree ||

Where there is a heavy congregation of Singhs;

rhqvMq jh isMG hzwrI ]

rahatavant jeh singh hazaaree ||

Where thousands of Rehitvant Singhs have gathered.

isMGn ko dl jhwˆ iPrwhI ]

singhan ko dhal jahaan firaahee ||

Where an army of Singhs roam;

rhqvMq jh isMG sbwhI ]77]

rahatavant jeh singh sabaahee ||77||

Where all the Singhs are Rehitvant.

pwˆc brK lOˆ qhwˆ rhIjY ]

paanch barakh lauan tahaan raheejai ||

One should remain there for five years;

isMGn syiv BlI ibiD kIjY ]

singhan sev bhalee bidh keejai ||

And serve the Singhs in the best of ways.

mn idRVH rwKih Bgiq kmwvY ]

man dhirarh raakheh bhagat kamaavai ||

One should be firm of mind and engage in devotion;

pUrn rhq qhwˆ qy pwvY ]78]

pooran rahat tahaan te paavai ||78||

One shall obtain the complete Rehit there;

jb pihly sb isRst aupweI ]

jab pahile sab sirasat upaiee ||

When all of the creation was first born;

qb hI mwnuK dyih bnweI ]

tab hee maanukh dheh banaiee ||

Then the manukh's body was made.

qn ies ky isr kys ju dIno ]

tan is ke sir kes ju dheeno ||

Upon the head this body hair was given;

so ieh qn isMgwrih kIno ]79]

so ieh tan singaareh keeno ||79||

Which was an adornment on his body.

dwVHw muC isr kys bnweI ]

dhaarhaa muchh sir kes banaiee ||

The beard, mustache, and hair upon the head was fashioned upon him;

hY ieh idRVH ijh pRBU rzweI ]

hai ieh dhirarh jeh prabhoo razaiee ||

This was firmly will of God.

myt rzwie ju sIs muMfwvY ]

met razai ju sees munddaavai ||

One who erases this will by shaving his head;

khu qy jg kYsy hir pwvY ]80]

kahu te jag kaise har paavai ||80||

Tell me, how will he find God in this world?

pwˆKhu ibn ibhMg ijm hohI ]

paankhahu bin bihang jim hohee ||

Like a bird without its wings,

aUrb ibnw Byf ijm koeI ]

uoorab binaa bhedd jim koiee ||

Like a sheep without it's wool;

bsn ibnwˆ nwrI hY jYsy ]

basan binaan naaree hai jaise ||

Like a woman without her clothes;

kysn ibnw hoie nr qYsy ]81]

kesan binaa hoi nar taise ||81||

Such is a man without his Kes.

kysn nr Dwry hY jbhI ]

kesan nar dhaare hai jabahee ||

When man retains his Kes;

pUrn rUp hoie hY qbhI ]

pooran roop hoi hai tabahee ||

Only then he is in his complete and perfect form.

kys eyk pun rhq ju pweI ]

kes ek pun rahat ju paiee ||

The Kes is one virtuous Rehit to have.

qwˆ kI mihmw khI n jweI ]82]

taan kee mahimaa kahee na jaiee ||82||

It's entire glory cannot be described.

byd rhq ijm idj n suhwvq ]

bedh rahat jim dhij na suhaavat ||

As Without the Vedas the dij (twice-born) is not exalted;

sIl rhq kul nwir n Bwvq ]

seel rahat kul naar na bhaavat ||

As without gentleness a woman is disliked by her children;

byg rhq ijm bwzI hIn ]

beg rahat jim baazee heen ||

As without swiftness a horse is useless;

rhq ibnw ieh kys mlIn ]83]

rahat binaa ieh kes maleen ||83||

In the same way, the Kes are defiled without the Rehit.

ijauˆ kwhU ly gDw nuvwieE ]

jiaun kaahoo le gadhaa nuvaio ||

As It is futile to wash a donkey;

PUlmwl iqh mUMf DrwieE ]

foolamaal teh moondd dharaio ||

Or to embellish it's forehead with a garland of flowers.

iqh kr qwˆ kI soBw nwhI ]

teh kar taan kee sobhaa naahee ||

There is no glory in these actions;

hwsI jog hoie jg mwhI ]84]

haasee jog hoi jag maahee ||84||

It is only worthy of mockery in this world.

iqm kurihqIey kys rKwey ]

tim kurahite'ee kes rakhaae ||

Thus is the state of one who disregards Rehit whilst keeping Kes;

khhu su kYsy soBw pwey ]

kahahu su kaise sobhaa paae ||

Tell me, how does he gain glory?

rhq su kysn ko Aiq BUKn ]

rahat su kesan ko at bhookhan ||

The Rehit is the greatest embellishment for the Kes;

rhq ibnw isr kys BI dUKn ]85]

rahat binaa sir kes bhee dhookhan ||85||

Without the Rehit, the Kes are also pained.

rhqvwn jg isMG jy koeI ]

rahatavaan jag singh je koiee ||

If there is a Rehitvan (one who is fully observant of the Rehit) Singh in this world;

gur ky lok bsYˆgy qyeI ]

gur ke lok basainge teiee ||

The Guru's people will follow his example.

rihxI rhY soeI isK myrw ]

rahinee rahai soiee sikh meraa ||

May my Sikh remain forever obedient to the Rehit;

vh Twkuru mYˆ aus kw cyrw ]86]

veh thaakur main us kaa cheraa ||86||

He is my master and I am his disciple.

rhq rhq rih jwie ibkwrw ]

rahat rahat reh jai bikaaraa ||

If one lives according to the Rehitthat disease (separation from God) shall diminish.

rhq Drm isMGn ko swrw ]

rahat dharam singhan ko saaraa ||

The Rehit is the support of the Singh's Dharam.

rhq ibn sdgiq nih hoeI ]

rahat bin sadhagat neh hoiee ||

Without Rehit, there is no eternal liberation;

rhq ibnw Bl khY n koeI ]87]

rahat binaa bhal kahai na koiee ||87||

Without Rehit, one is never considered virtuous.

rhq ibnw nih isMG khwvY ]

rahat binaa neh singh kahaavai ||

Without the Rehit, do not call oneself a Singh.

rhq ibnw dr cotw KwvY ]

rahat binaa dhar chotaa khaavai ||

Without the Rehit, one suffers punishment at the court of the Lord.

rhq ibnw jg mo BrmweI ]

rahat binaa jag mo bharamaiee ||

Without the Rehit, one will wander lost in this world.

rhq ibnw nr nrky jweI ]88]

rahat binaa nar narake jaiee ||88||

Without the Rehit, man sends descends into hell.

rhq ibnw qnKwhI jwno ]

rahat binaa tanakhaahee jaano ||

Without the Rehit, one is a Tankhahiya.

rhq ibnw jVH BUq BKwno ]

rahat binaa jarh bhoot bhakhaano ||

Without the Rehit, consider one to be a thorough ghost.

rhq ibnw suK kbhU n lhY ]

rahat binaa sukh kabahoo na lahai ||

Without the Rehit, one will never attain bliss and content.

qwˆ qy rhq su idRVH kr ghY ]89]

taan te rahat su dhirarh kar gahai ||89||

Therefore, hold fast to the Rehit.

AiQ lMgr ibiD ]

ath langar bidh ||

The Method of Langar.

sorTw ]

sorathaa ||


rhq Drm jo swr nMd lwl qum su khw ]

rahat dharam jo saar nandh laal tum su kahaa ||

Nand Lal, I have related to you the Rehit, which is the quintessence of Dharam.

lMgr kau prkwr qum Awgy brnn kroˆ ]90]

langar kau parakaar tum aage baranan karon ||90||

Now I shall describe before you the manner of preparing Langar.

As lMgr ibiD sunIE BweI ]

as langar bidh suneeo bhaiee ||

Listen O' brother! to the mode of preparing langar.

nMd lwl qoih kho sunweI ]

nandh laal toh kaho sunaiee ||

Nand Lal, listen as I tell you.

phly AvnI soDn kIjY ]

pahale avanee sodhan keejai ||

First, purify the ground;

ml AsQI lO jUr sutIjY ]91]

mal asathee lau joor suteejai ||91||

Be sure to cast away all filth and impurities.

qwˆ pwCy cOˆkw qh dyeI ]

taan paachhe chauankaa teh dheiee ||

Next, mark out the cooking square there;

chU Er Awvrq kryeI ]

chahoo or aavarat kareiee ||

Raise boundaries on all four sides.

jl Br gwgr qhwˆ DrwvY ]

jal bhar gaagar tahaan dharaavai ||

Place a vessel of clean water there;

AQvw nvqn kuMB mMgwvY ]92]

athavaa navatan kunbh mangaavai ||92||

Also procure a new water pot.

sB bwˆjn ko mwrjn krY ]

sabh baanjan ko maarajan karai ||

Scour and wash all utensils;

qwˆ pwCy lY lMgr DrY ]

taan paachhe lai langar dharai ||

Then proceed to cook the langar.

sUkI pwvn l`krI dyeI ]

sookee paavan la'karee dheiee ||

Bring forth dry clean wood;

cKmK kwiF Agin scu lyeI ]93]

chakhamakh kaadd agan sach leiee ||93||

Strike a flint and start a good fire.

jUqw bOkw mSk ibVwl ]

jootaa bauakaa mashak biraal ||

ku`qw muslw kwk cMfwl ]

ku'taa musalaa kaak chanddaal ||

gMdI mMdI vsqu ju Awvq ]

gandhee mandhee vasatu ju aavat ||

Any dirty, impure, and contaminated material that comes your way;

kIjY dUr jqn kr qwvq ]94]

keejai dhoor jatan kar taavat ||94||

Be sure to keep it away.

GIaU shq pun rsq ilAwvY ]

gheeuoo sahat pun rasat liaavai ||

Bring Ghee, sweets, and uncooked food items:

iBMfw k`dU slgm pwvY ]

bhinddaa ka'dhoo salagam paavai ||

Bring forth squash, turnips,

mUMgI moT jwq hY jyqI ]

moongee moth jaat hai jetee ||

lentils, pulse, and such produce.

auVdI bVI lXwvih qyqI ]95]

auradhee baree layaaveh tetee ||95||

Bring items such asblack grain and pounded pulse.

pwlk Awid swg ju AhY ]

paalak aadh saag ju ahai ||

Spinach and mustard greens;

iqn ko BI lMgr mYˆ ghY ]

tin ko bhee langar main gahai ||

Bring these in the langar as well.

mITw imrcwˆ hrdI Bwvq ]

meethaa mirachaan haradhee bhaavat ||

Add items like sweet peppers as one's heart desires;

Avrq lon ly Dry suhwvq ]96]

avarat lon le dhare suhaavat ||96||

Add salt according to taste.

diD pY cwvl skl Acwr ]

dhadh pai chaaval sakal achaar ||

Curds, rice and all sorts of pickles.

srb vsqU Dr rwKY qXwr ]

sarab vasatoo dhar raakhai tayaar ||

Prepare and place all such items for eating.

mx Br rsd jy lMgr jwnY ]

man bhar rasadh je langar jaanai ||

If the langar can supply a full mound of grain;

svw duie syr iGRq iqh AwnY ]97]

savaa dhui ser ghirat teh aanai ||97||

Add to it two and a quarter seers of ghee.

zwdw hoie su bhuqu su nIko ]

zaadhaa hoi su bahutu su neeko ||

If there is more so much the better;

su`K hoq iDAwn ky jI ko ]

su'kh hot dhiaan ke jee ko ||

Take into consideration how long it will last.

nqur Skiq ijqI jo kry ]

natur shakat jitee jo kare ||

Do it to the best of your ability;

mn mY kCU n icMqw Dry ]98]

man mai kachhoo na chintaa dhare ||98||

Hold no worries in your heart.

Xh gur kI hY dyg suhweI ]

yeh gur kee hai dheg suhaiee ||

This is the Guru's glorious Degh.

pRym smyq ju krY svweI ]

prem samet ju karai savaiee ||

One who prepares it with love will reap its benefit.

rhqvMq jy isMG sXwny ]

rahatavant je singh sayaane ||

The wise Singh who's adherent to the Rehit;

Bojn kI sbhI ibiD jwny ]99]

bhojan kee sabahee bidh jaane ||99||

He will know every technique of preparing food.

dXwvMq ijn ibDI snoKI ]

dhayaavant jin bidhee sanokhee ||

The compassionate one who knows this method;

lMgr kI ibiD jwnY coKI ]

langar kee bidh jaanai chokhee ||

He will completely comprehend the Maryada of Langar.

rwg dÍYK n mn mo kreI ]

raag dhavaikh na man mo kariee ||

Such a person should have no attachment or desire in his heart.

sm vrqwrw sB kr BreI ]100]

sam varataaraa sabh kar bhariee ||100||

He should serve everyone equally.

prm suSIl DIr mn ijn ko ]

param susheel dheer man jin ko ||

One who is most well-mannered, and has much patience in his heart.

Bojn loB n mn mo iqn ko ]

bhojan lobh na man mo tin ko ||

One who has no greed over food within his heart.

suq klqR ihq loB n DrY ]

sut kalatx hit lobh na dharai ||

One who has no attachment to his children and wife within.

pRwq iesnwn sdw auT krY ]101]

praat isanaan sadhaa uth karai ||101||

One who always rises in the early hours of the day and bathes;

auqm kul ijn jnmih pwXo ]

autam kul jin janameh paayo ||

mdrw mws n kbhUM KwXo ]

madharaa maas na kabahoon khaayo ||

iqnhI qy suic dyg krwvY ]

tinahee te such dheg karaavai ||

Have only him prepare and distribute langar.

Avir n koaU vVno pwvY ]102]

avar na kouoo varano paavai ||102||

Let no one else enter the premise.

nweI JIvr isr ju muMfwvq ]

naiee jheevar sir ju munddaavat ||

korI kunbI gOˆf khwvq ]

koree kunabee gauandd kahaavat ||

Avr ju nIc jwiq hY koeI ]

avar ju neech jaat hai koiee ||

iqn ko dyg n krny dyeI ]103]

tin ko dheg na karane dheiee ||103||

AQvw ibpR brx hY koeI ]

athavaa bipx baran hai koiee ||

Kt krmI kulvMqw soeI ]

khat karamee kulavantaa soiee ||

Bwˆg qmwkU inkt n jwvY ]

bhaang tamaakoo nikat na jaavai ||

One who never goes near the cannabis plant and Tobacco;

iqn qy BI suic dyg krwvY ]104]

tin te bhee such dheg karaavai ||104||

Have such an individual prepare the Langar.

bkrw Jtkw bIc n kry ]

bakaraa jhatakaa beech na kare ||

Avr mws nih lMgr Dry ]

avar maas neh langar dhare ||

jo sn hoie q dUr krwvY ]

jo san hoi ta dhoor karaavai ||

inj brqwrw qhwˆ lY jwvY ]105]

nij barataaraa tahaan lai jaavai ||105||

dyg Asn ky hYˆ sB BwgI ]

dheg asan ke hain sabh bhaagee ||

bRwhmn KqRI sB AnurwgI ]

braahaman khatree sabh anuraagee ||

qwˆ qy Xw isCw sun lIjY ]

taan te yaa sichhaa sun leejai ||

dyg mwih nih mws AnIjY ]106]

dheg maeh neh maas aneejai ||106||

rihqvwn isMG hY joeI ]

rahitavaan singh hai joiee ||

If one is to be recognized as a Singh who is obedient to the Rehit;

loiB Coif jwnhu nih hoeI ]

lobh chhodd jaanahu neh hoiee ||

He shall hold no greed in his heart.

gurU kw rUp sbn mYˆ dyKY ]

guroo kaa roop saban main dhekhai ||

He sees the Guru's image in all;

mdrw mws n Kwie ibsyKY ]107]

madharaa maas na khai bisekhai ||107||

Never does he consume wine and meat.

auqm kul jihM jnmih pwieE ]

autam kul jahin janameh paio ||

so vrqwaU dyg krwieE ]

so varataauoo dheg karaio ||

dygu qXwr hoie hYˆ jbhI ]

dheg tayaar hoi hain jabahee ||

Whenever Degh (Langar; Prashad) has been prepared;

kr Ardws Byt kr qbhI ]108]

kar aradhaas bhet kar tabahee ||108||

Perform Ardaas and sanctify it with a knife.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


ipRQm guroˆ ky Bog ihq Bwˆjn suD mMgwie ]

piratham guron ke bhog hit bhaanjan sudh mangai ||

Before performing the bhog with a knife, obtain well cleansed vessels;

jo jo lMgr kIn hY so sB qhwˆ Drwie ]109]

jo jo langar keen hai so sabh tahaan dharai ||109||

Use only those, which have already been used in Langar.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


iqh kr gur ko Bog lgwvY ]

teh kar gur ko bhog lagaavai ||

After doing this one is ready to perform Bhog;

gur ko rUp ird mwih DrwvY ]

gur ko roop ridh maeh dharaavai ||

Contemplate the forms of the Guru within his heart.

gurU gRMQ mo Byd n kweI ]

guroo granth mo bhedh na kaiee ||

See no difference between Guru's Physical form and the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

gRMQ hoie qO inkit DrweI ]110]

granth hoi tau nikat dharaiee ||110||

If Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is present, it should be offered in their presence.

qwˆ pwCy Kwlsy bulwvY ]

taan paachhe khaalase bulaavai ||

Next summon the Khalsas;

lMgr inkty pwˆiq bnwvY ]

langar nikate paant banaavai ||

Have them sit in lines and give them respect.

sm brqwrw sB ko dyeI ]

sam barataaraa sabh ko dheiee ||

Serve everyone equally.

dUjw Bwv n mn mYˆ lyeI ]111]

dhoojaa bhaav na man main leiee ||111||

Hold no duality in your heart.

pMgq mwih Byd jo krhY ]

pangat maeh bhedh jo karahai ||

One who discriminates in the Pangat;

mhwˆ doK iqn byd aucrhY ]

mahaan dhokh tin bedh ucharahai ||

He is a great sinner even in the eyes of the ancient scriptures!

qwˆ qy sm brqwrw dyvY ]

taan te sam barataaraa dhevai ||

Thus one must serve all equally in the Pangat.

Cotw vfw jhwˆ lg jyvY ]112]

chhotaa vaddaa jahaan lag jevai ||112||

Where all the so-called high and so-called low become the same.

suD BUim vh Bojn pwvY ]

sudh bhoom veh bhojan paavai ||

Sit and place the food on cleansed grounds.

KtIAw pr bih kbI n KwvY ]

khateeaa par beh kabee na khaavai ||

Never sit and eat upon elevated seating.

jy sUdR AMqr jg mwhI ]

je soodhx antar jag maahee ||

qy KtIAw pr Bojn KwˆhI ]113]

te khateeaa par bhojan khaanhee ||113||

isMGn ko nih As Acwrw ]

singhan ko neh as achaaraa ||

This is not how Singhs are to act;

sc Asc qy lhy ibcwrw ]

sach asach te lahe bichaaraa ||

One must discriminate between truthfulness and falsehood.

jwck nr nwrI jy koeI ]

jaachak nar naaree je koiee ||

If any poor man or woman comes for the Langar;

vrqq dyg Awie hYˆ joeI ]114]

varatat dheg aai hain joiee ||114||

Readily distribute the langar to them; serve whoever comes.

iqn ko BI kuC AMn idvwvY ]

tin ko bhee kuchh ann dhivaavai ||

Give them provisions such as food;

KwlI jwin n koaU pwvY ]

khaalee jaan na kouoo paavai ||

Never let them leave empty handed.

AYsI ibiD jy dyg krwvq ]

aaisee bidh je dheg karaavat ||

By keeping the tradition of Langar this way;

drsn j`g kyqy Pl pwvq ]115]

dharasan ja'g kete fal paavat ||115||

One gains the merit akin to numerous pilgrimages and yagyas.

nMd lwl qum sun ho BweI ]

nandh laal tum sun ho bhaiee ||

O'Nand Lal, listen O'Brother!

dyg rIiq mYˆ kCU sunweI ]

dheg reet main kachhoo sunaiee ||

The tradition of Langar that I have related to you;

ieshI ko qum idRVH kr gho ]

isahee ko tum dhirarh kar gaho ||

You must keep this resolute and firm.

rhq AnMq khwˆ lO kho ]116]

rahat anant kahaan lau kaho ||116||

It is my command, to maintain this as an essential part of the Rehit.

rwv rMk isMG jo koeI ]

raav rank singh jo koiee ||

If there is a wealthy royal Singhs;

Qok bhuq jb kro rsoeI ]

thok bahut jab karo rasoiee ||

He must prepare large amounts of food for the poor.

eyk rIiq sy sdw krwvY ]

ek reet se sadhaa karaavai ||

He should always follow this practice of oneness.

isMG soeI miq aujl pwvY ]117]

singh soiee mat ujal paavai ||117||

A Singh is he one who's intellectual will shine ever so brightly.

sorTw ]

sorathaa ||


nMd lwl sun Awp lMgr kI ibiD khI hm ]

nandh laal sun aap langar kee bidh kahee ham ||

Nand Lal, You've listened to the Maryada of Langar which I have relayed to you.

hovy bf pRqwp ju ieh ibiD soˆ krwvqy ]118]

hove badd prataap ju ieh bidh son karaavate ||118||

One will gain immense glory who does it in this way.

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


lMgr kI ibiD jo smJweI ]

langar kee bidh jo samajhaiee ||

The Maryada of Langar that I have explained;

kVwh krq qb bolY nwhI ]

karaeh karat tab bolai naahee ||

I have not mentioned Karah Prashad.

jpu Ar jwpu pTq hI bwˆty ]

jap ar jaap pathat hee baante ||

Distribute it only after Reciting Japji and chanting the Lord's name (Jaap).

kVHwh krn ko AYsy Twty ]119]

karhaeh karan ko aaise thaate ||119||

To prepare ghee acquire these ingredients:

mITw GI knk jo mYdw ]

meethaa ghee kanak jo maidhaa ||

Sweetness (Sugar), Ghee, and flour;

kro brobr qIno pYdw ]120]

karo barobar teeno paidhaa ||120||

Mix these three in equal proportions and boil them.

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


suMdr rhq jo khI hm XhI rhq sun jwn ]

sundhar rahat jo kahee ham yahee rahat sun jaan ||

The magnificent Rehit that I have recited, know this to be the only Rehit.

ies qy jo ibprIq hY qwˆihM kurihq pCwin ]121]

is te jo bipareet hai taanhin kurahit pachhaan ||121||

That which strays from it, recognize it as aKurehit.

AYsy gur goibMd isMG khI bwq smJwie ]

aaise gur gobindh singh kahee baat samajhai ||

In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji explained this discourse.

nMd lwl suin byg isauˆ bhur bhur isr nwie ]122]

nandh laal sun beg siaun bahur bahur sir nai ||122||

Nand Lal, Hearing this, bows his head over and over again.

Aiq pwvn sun rhq ju AhI ]

at paavan sun rahat ju ahee ||

I have listened to this, the supremely pure Rehit.

goibMd isMG sb ihq XO khI ]

gobindh singh sab hit yau kahee ||

Guru Gobind Singh says it is in the benefit for all to follow.

nMd lwl mn AwnMd BieE ]

nandh laal man aanandh bhio ||

Hearing this, Nand Lal's heart is filled with bliss.

sMsw sgl dUr huie gXO ]123]

sansaa sagal dhoor hui gayau ||123||

All doubts have been driven away.

Awp bIqI

aap beetee

eyk kqUhl AOr jo brnauˆ suB isr nwie ]

ek katoohal aauar jo baranaun subh sir nai ||

sun pRqIq kir aurih mYˆ khauˆ sQih sq Bwie ]124]

sun prateet kar ureh main kahaun satheh sat bhai ||124||

goibMd isMG ko mYˆ hwˆ cyro ]

gobindh singh ko main haan chero ||

dysw isMG nwm hY myro ]

dhesaa singh naam hai mero ||

AMimRqsr iek bUMgw AhY ]

anmritasar ik boongaa ahai ||

nwm morwlI vwlw khY ]125]

naam moraalee vaalaa kahai ||125||

qwˆ mYˆ j`sw isMG ikRpw ]

taan main ja'saa singh kirapaa ||

bsq Bey suK soˆ bhu kwl ]

basat bhe sukh son bahu kaal ||

hm BI qih hI kwl ibqwXo ]

ham bhee teh hee kaal bitaayo ||

ibrD BXo sb AwXU gvwXo ]126]

biradh bhayo sab aayoo gavaayo ||126||

pun hm ptny myˆ cl Awey ]

pun ham patane men chal aae ||

hirmMdr ky drSn pwey ]

harimandhar ke dharashan paae ||

bIs idvs qih bwsw kIno ]

bees dhivas teh baasaa keeno ||

AMimRq pRswd dyg qy lIny ]127]

anmirat prasaadh dheg te leene ||127||

AwigAw lY A`gR jb cly ]

aagiaa lai a'gx jab chale ||

jh qh drSn pwey Bly ]

jeh teh dharashan paae bhale ||

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||

eyk idvs mwrg clq Qkq BXo mn swiQ ]

ek dhivas maarag chalat thakat bhayo man saath ||

kMbl qrHwˆ ibCwie kr sYn kIn suK swiQ ]128]

kanbal tarhaan bichhai kar sain keen sukh saath ||128||

kMbl pr jb sYnih kIno ]

kanbal par jab saineh keeno ||

goibMd isMG muih supnw dIno ]

gobindh singh muh supanaa dheeno ||

supny mo inj rUp idKwXo ]

supane mo nij roop dhikhaayo ||

dyKq hI myry mn BwXo ]129]

dhekhat hee mere man bhaayo ||129||

Aiq ibswl Buj bdn su suMdr ]

at bisaal bhuj badhan su sundhar ||

qyj rhs Aiq soBw AMdr ]

tej rahas at sobhaa andhar ||

kwˆDy DnuK qux kit sohY ]

kaandhe dhanukh tun kat sohai ||

Aiq AnUp Cib sB mn mohY ]130]

at anoop chhab sabh man mohai ||130||

kr mYˆ bwz pIT pr Fwlw ]

kar main baaz peeth par ddaalaa ||

gor brx idp qyj ibswlw ]

gor baran dhip tej bisaalaa ||

pIq bsn hX pr Asvwrw ]

peet basan hay par asavaaraa ||

injqn so khYˆ aujXwrw ]131]

nijatan so kahain ujayaaraa ||131||

isr klgI kit KVg AnUpw ]

sir kalagee kat kharag anoopaa ||

goibMd isMG BUpn ky BUpw ]

gobindh singh bhoopan ke bhoopaa ||

Aiq suMdr qn sB mn Bwvq ]

at sundhar tan sabh man bhaavat ||

pwˆc isMG ijh swQ suhwvq ]132]

paanch singh jeh saath suhaavat ||132||

As srUp supny idKrwXo ]

as saroop supane dhikharaayo ||

pun moih inj muK bcn sunwXo ]

pun moh nij mukh bachan sunaayo ||

sunhu isMG iek bcn hmwrw ]

sunahu singh ik bachan hamaaraa ||

pRQmY hm ny jwpu aucwrw ]133]

prathamai ham ne jaap uchaaraa ||133||

pun Akwl ausqiq jo khI ]

pun akaal usatat jo kahee ||

byd smwn pwT dy AhI ]

bedh samaan paath dhe ahee ||

pun bicqR nwtk bnvwXo ]

pun bachitx naatak banavaayo ||

soF bMs jh kQw suhwXo ]134]

sodd bans jeh kathaa suhaayo ||134||

pun do cMfI cirqR bnwey ]

pun dho chanddee charitx banaae ||

AMqr ky sb kib mn Bwey ]

antar ke sab kab man bhaae ||

gXwn pRboD boD hm khw ]

gayaan prabodh bodh ham kahaa ||

js pwT kr hir pd lhw ]135]

jas paath kar har padh lahaa ||135||

pun cObIs Avqwr khwnI ]

pun chauabees avataar kahaanee ||

brnn krw smJI sb gXwnI ]

baranan karaa samajhee sab gayaanee ||

dqwqRyX ky gurU sunwey ]

dhataatrey ke guroo sunaae ||

pun bicqR bKXwn bnwey ]136]

pun bachitx bakhayaan banaae ||136||

iqn ko BI iek gMQ bKwnw ]

tin ko bhee ik ganth bakhaanaa ||

pVHY mUVH so hoie sXwnw ]

parhai moorh so hoi sayaanaa ||

Sbd hzwrY ky suKdweI ]

shabadh hazaarai ke sukhadhaiee ||

sbY inRpn kI kQw sunweI ]17]

sabai nirapan kee kathaa sunaiee ||17||

so mYˆ ihq kr brn svwrI ]

so main hit kar baran savaaree ||

pun kh rhq n khUM aucwrI ]

pun keh rahat na kahoon uchaaree ||

cwru cwr sY cirq bnwey ]

chaar chaar sai charit banaae ||

jhwˆ Xuviqn ky Cl idKrwey ]138]

jahaan yuvatin ke chhal dhikharaae ||138||

CMd pRbMD khY hm jyqY ]

chhandh prabandh kahai ham jetai ||

gMQ mwih brny hm qyqY ]

ganth maeh barane ham tetai ||

Pun Kwlsy kI rhq bKwnI ]

fun khaalase kee rahat bakhaanee ||

rhq ibnwˆ hoie hY AigAwnI ]139]

rahat binaan hoi hai agiaanee ||139||

rhq ikRAw isMGn ko swrw ]

rahat kriaa singhan ko saaraa ||

gRMQ mwih nih khUM aucwrw ]

granth maeh neh kahoon uchaaraa ||

qwˆ qy mm AwgXw aur Dro ]

taan te mam aagayaa ur dharo ||

rhq aucwrn qumhI kro ]14]

rahat uchaaran tumahee karo ||14||

iem kih bcn gurU jb rihE ]

im keh bachan guroo jab rahio ||

pun iek bcn hmo BI kihE ]

pun ik bachan hamo bhee kahio ||

dIn dXwl suhu mm suAwmI ]

dheen dhayaal suh mam suaamee ||

Awp ikRpwl qum AMqrjwmI ]141]

aap kirapaal tum antarajaamee ||141||

mYˆ hUM Aiq mUrK AgXwnw ]

main hoon at moorakh agayaanaa ||

rhq Drm ikm krauˆ bKwnw ]

rahat dharam kim karaun bakhaanaa ||

A`Kr eyk n Awvq mory ]

a'khar ek na aavat more ||

sq kdoˆ ilK kwgd kory ]142]

sat kadhon likh kaagadh kore ||142||

AYsI igrw sunI jb sorI ]

aaisee giraa sunee jab soree ||

goibMd isMG qb khw bhorI ]143]

gobindh singh tab kahaa bahoree ||143||

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||

qv rsnw pr bYT kir mYˆ hUM kro bKXwn ]

tav rasanaa par baith kar main hoon karo bakhayaan ||

pun Bl audm kro qum A`Kr ilKm pRmwn ]144]

pun bhal udham karo tum a'khar likham pramaan ||144||

AYso kih qb cly gur mum nyqR Kulwn ]

aaiso keh tab chale gur mum netx khulaan ||

nih qih gur n qurMg vr nih qih isMG sujwn ]14]

neh teh gur na turang var neh teh singh sujaan ||14||

Aiq Acrj BieE mn myry ]

at acharaj bhio man mere ||

auT kr cwrhu pwsy hory ]146]

auth kar chaarahu paase hore ||146||

ieiq dysw isMG ikRq rihqnwmw ]

it dhesaa singh kirat rahitanaamaa ||

Here ends Bhai Desa Singh's Rehatnama