SGGSAng 760Raag SuhiAstpadiyaa Mahalla 528 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 9

aucwrx rwgu sUhI mh`lw pMjvw Ast-pdIAw Gru nwvw

raag soohee mehalaa 5 asattapadheeaa ghar 9

Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Ninth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijn ifiTAw mnu rhsIAY ikau pweIAY iqn@ sMgu jIau ]

aucwrx rh-sIAY

jin ddithiaa man rehaseeai kio paaeeai thinh sang jeeo ||

Gazing upon them, my mind is enraptured. How can I join them and be with them?

sMq sjn mn imqR sy lwiein pRB isau rMgu jIau ]

santh sajan man mithr sae laaein prabh sio rang jeeo ||

They are Saints and friends, good friends of my mind, who inspire me and help me tune in to God's Love.

iqn@ isau pRIiq n quteI kbhu n hovY BMgu jIau ]1]

thinh sio preeth n thuttee kabahu n hovai bhang jeeo ||1||

My love for them shall never die; it shall never, ever be broken. ||1||

pwrbRhm pRB kir dieAw gux gwvw qyry inq jIau ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham prabh kar dhaeiaa gun gaavaa thaerae nith jeeo ||

O Supreme Lord God, please grant me Your Grace, that I might constantly sing Your Glorious Praises.

Awie imlhu sMq sjxw nwmu jph mn imq jIau ]1] rhwau ]

aae milahu santh sajanaa naam japeh man mith jeeo ||1|| rehaao ||

Come, and meet with me, O Saints, and good friends; let us chant and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the Best Friend of my mind. ||1||Pause||

dyKY suxy n jwxeI mwieAw moihAw AMDu jIau ]

dhaekhai sunae n jaanee maaeiaa mohiaa andhh jeeo ||

He does not see, he does not hear, and he does not understand; he is blind, enticed and bewitched by Maya.

kwcI dyhw ivxsxI kUVu kmwvY DMDu jIau ]

kaachee dhaehaa vinasanee koorr kamaavai dhhandhh jeeo ||

His body is false and transitory; it shall perish. And still, he entangles himself in false pursuits.

nwmu iDAwvih sy ijix cly gur pUry snbµDu jIau ]2]

naam dhhiaavehi sae jin chalae gur poorae sanabandhh jeeo ||2||

They alone depart victorious, who have meditated on the Naam; they stick with the Perfect Guru. ||2||

hukmy jug mih AwieAw clxu hukim sµjoig jIau ]

hukamae jug mehi aaeiaa chalan hukam sanjog jeeo ||

By the Hukam of God's Will, they come into this world, and they leave upon receipt of His Hukam.

hukmy prpMcu psirAw hukim kry rs Bog jIau ]

hukamae parapanch pasariaa hukam karae ras bhog jeeo ||

By His Hukam, the Expanse of the Universe is expanded. By His Hukam, they enjoy pleasures.

ijsno krqw ivsrY iqsih ivCoVw sogu jIau ]3]

jis no karathaa visarai thisehi vishhorraa sog jeeo ||3||

One who forgets the Creator Lord, suffers sorrow and separation. ||3||

AwpnVy pRB BwixAw drgh pYDw jwie jIau ]

aapanarrae prabh bhaaniaa dharageh paidhhaa jaae jeeo ||

One who is pleasing to his God, goes to His Court dressed in robes of honor.

AYQY suKu muKu aujlw ieko nwmu iDAwie jIau ]

aithhai sukh mukh oujalaa eiko naam dhhiaae jeeo ||

One who meditates on the Naam, the One Name, finds peace in this world; his face is radiant and bright.

Awdru idqw pwrbRhim guru syivAw sqBwie jIau ]4]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; sq-Bwie: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

aadhar dhithaa paarabreham gur saeviaa sath bhaae jeeo ||4||

The Supreme Lord confers honor and respect on those who serve the Guru with true love. ||4||

Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw srb jIAw pRiqpwl jIau ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwl: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo

thhaan thhananthar rav rehiaa sarab jeeaa prathipaal jeeo ||

He is pervading and permeating the spaces and interspaces; He loves and cherishes all beings.

scu Kjwnw sµicAw eyku nwmu Dnu mwl jIau ]

sach khajaanaa sanchiaa eaek naam dhhan maal jeeo ||

I have accumulated the true treasure, the wealth and riches of the One Name.

mn qy kbhu n vIsrY jw Awpy hoie dieAwl jIau ]5]

man thae kabahu n veesarai jaa aapae hoe dhaeiaal jeeo ||5||

I shall never forget Him from my mind, since He has been so merciful to me. ||5||

Awvxu jwxw rih gey min vuTw inrµkwru jIau ]

aavan jaanaa rehi geae man vuthaa nirankaar jeeo ||

My comings and goings have ended; the Formless Lord now dwells within my mind.

qw kw AMqu n pweIAY aUcw Agm Apwru jIau ]

thaa kaa anth n paaeeai oochaa agam apaar jeeo ||

His limits cannot be found; He is lofty and exalted, inaccessible and infinite.

ijsu pRBu Apxw ivsrY so mir jµmY lK vwr jIau ]6]

aucwrx l`K

jis prabh apanaa visarai so mar janmai lakh vaar jeeo ||6||

One who forgets His God, shall die and be reincarnated, hundreds of thousands of times. ||6||

swcu nyhu iqn pRIqmw ijn min vuTw Awip jIau ]

saach naehu thin preethamaa jin man vuthaa aap jeeo ||

They alone bear true love for their God, within whose minds He Himself dwells.

gux swJI iqn sµig bsy AwT phr pRB jwip jIau ]

gun saajhee thin sang basae aath pehar prabh jaap jeeo ||

So dwell only with those who share their virtues; chant and meditate on God, twenty-four hours a day.

rµig rqy prmysrY ibnsy sgl sµqwp jIau ]7]

aucwrx r`qy

rang rathae paramaesarai binasae sagal santhaap jeeo ||7||

They are attuned to the Love of the Transcendent Lord; all their sorrows and afflictions are dispelled. ||7||

qUµ krqw qUµ krxhwru qUhY eyku Anyk jIau ]

thoon karathaa thoon karanehaar thoohai eaek anaek jeeo ||

You are the Creator, You are the Cause of causes; You are the One and the many.

qU smrQu qU srb mY qUhY buiD ibbyk jIau ]

aucwrx mY: ibMdI rihq bolo

thoo samarathh thoo sarab mai thoohai budhh bibaek jeeo ||

You are All-powerful, You are present everywhere; You are the subtle intellect, the clear wisdom.

nwnk nwmu sdw jpI Bgq jnw kI tyk jIau ]8]1]3]

naanak naam sadhaa japee bhagath janaa kee ttaek jeeo ||8||1||3||

Nanak chants and meditates forever on the Naam, the Support of the humble devotees. ||8||1||3||