SGGSAng 1250Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

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Third Mehl:

jIAw AMdir jIau sbdu hY ijqu sh mylwvw hoie ]

jeeaa andhar jeeo sabadh hai jith seh maelaavaa hoe ||

The life within all living beings is the Word of the Shabad. Through it, we meet our Husband Lord.

ibnu sbdY jig Awn@yru hY sbdy prgtu hoie ]

bin sabadhai jag aanhaer hai sabadhae paragatt hoe ||

Without the Shabad, the world is in darkness. Through the Shabad, it is enlightened.

pMifq monI piV piV Qky ByK Qky qnu Doie ]

panddith monee parr parr thhakae bhaekh thhakae than dhhoe ||

The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages read and write until they are weary. The religious fanatics are tired of washing their bodies.

ibnu sbdY iknY n pwieE duKIey cly roie ]

bin sabadhai kinai n paaeiou dhukheeeae chalae roe ||

Without the Shabad, no one attains the Lord; the miserable depart weeping and wailing.

nwnk ndrI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]2]

naanak nadharee paaeeai karam paraapath hoe ||2||

O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, the Merciful Lord is attained. ||2||