SGGSAng 654Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji12 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI Gru 1

aucwrx rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI Gru pihlw

raag sorath baanee bhagath kabeer jee kee ghar 1

Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

buq pUij pUij ihMdU mUey qurk mUey isru nweI ]

aucwrx bu`q; nweI: polw bolo

buth pooj pooj hindhoo mooeae thurak mooeae sir naaee ||

Worshipping their idols, the Hindus die; the Muslims die bowing their heads.

Eie ly jwry Eie ly gwfy qyrI giq duhU n pweI ]1]

oue lae jaarae oue lae gaaddae thaeree gath dhuhoo n paaee ||1||

The Hindus cremate their dead, while the Muslims bury theirs; neither finds Your true state, Lord. ||1||

mn ry sMswru AMD ghyrw ]

man rae sansaar andhh gehaeraa ||

O mind, the world is a deep, dark pit.

chu ids psirE hY jm jyvrw ]1] rhwau ]

chahu dhis pasariou hai jam jaevaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

On all four sides, Death has spread his net. ||1||Pause||

kibq pVy piV kibqw mUey kpV kydwrY jweI ]

aucwrx kibq: polw bolo (ASuD: kib`q); kibqw: polw bolo (ASuD: kib`qw)

kabith parrae parr kabithaa mooeae kaparr kaedhaarai jaaee ||

Reciting their poems, the poets die; the mystical ascetics die while journeying to Kaydaar Naat'h.

jtw Dwir Dwir jogI mUey qyrI giq ienih n pweI ]2]

aucwrx jtw: polw bolo

jattaa dhhaar dhhaar jogee mooeae thaeree gath einehi n paaee ||2||

The Yogis die, with their matted hair, but even they do not find Your state, Lord. ||2||

drbu sµic sµic rwjy mUey gifly kMcn BwrI ]

dharab sanch sanch raajae mooeae gadd lae kanchan bhaaree ||

The kings die, gathering and hoarding their money, burying great quantities of gold.

byd pVy piV pMifq mUey rUpu dyiK dyiK nwrI ]3]

baedh parrae parr panddith mooeae roop dhaekh dhaekh naaree ||3||

The Pandits die, reading and reciting the Vedas; women die, gazing at their own beauty. ||3||

rwm nwm ibnu sBY ibgUqy dyKhu inriK srIrw ]

aucwrx s`BY

raam naam bin sabhai bigoothae dhaekhahu nirakh sareeraa ||

Without the Lord's Name, all come to ruin; behold, and know this, O body.

hir ky nwm ibnu ikin giq pweI kih aupdysu kbIrw ]4]1]

har kae naam bin kin gath paaee kehi oupadhaes kabeeraa ||4||1||

Without the Name of the Lord, who can find salvation? Kabeer speaks the Teachings. ||4||1||