SGGSAng 1250Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 49 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

4 ]

aucwrx mh`lw cauQw

ma 4 ||

Fourth Mehl:

swvxu AwieAw iJmiJmw hir gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ]

saavan aaeiaa jhimajhimaa har guramukh naam dhhiaae ||

The rainy season of Saawan has come. The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord's Name.

duK BuK kwVw sBu cukwiesI mIhu vuTw Chbr lwie ]

dhukh bhukh kaarraa sabh chukaaeisee meehu vuthaa shhehabar laae ||

All pain, hunger and misfortune end, when the rain falls in torrents.

sB Driq BeI hrIAwvlI AMnu jµimAw bohl lwie ]

sabh dhharath bhee hareeaavalee ann janmiaa bohal laae ||

The entire earth is rejuvenated, and the grain grows in abundance.

hir AicMqu bulwvY ikRpw kir hir Awpy pwvY Qwie ]

har achinth bulaavai kirapaa kar har aapae paavai thhaae ||

The Carefree Lord, by His Grace, summons that mortal whom the Lord Himself approves.

hir iqsih iDAwvhu sMq jnhu ju AMqy ley Cfwie ]

har thisehi dhhiaavahu santh janahu j anthae leae shhaddaae ||

So meditate on the Lord, O Saints; He shall save you in the end.

hir kIriq Bgiq Anµdu hY sdw suKu vsY min Awie ]

har keerath bhagath anandh hai sadhaa sukh vasai man aae ||

The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and devotion to Him is bliss; peace shall come to dwell in the mind.

ijn@w gurmuiK nwmu ArwiDAw iqn@w duK BuK lih jwie ]

jinhaa guramukh naam araadhhiaa thinaa dhukh bhukh lehi jaae ||

Those Gurmukhs who worship the Naam, the Name of the Lord - their pain and hunger departs.

jn nwnku iqRpqY gwie gux hir drsnu dyhu suBwie ]3]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

jan naanak thripathai gaae gun har dharasan dhaehu subhaae ||3||

Servant Nanak is satisfied, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Please embellish him with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||3||