SGGSAng 1250Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


gur pUry kI dwiq inq dyvY cVY svweIAw ]

gur poorae kee dhaath nith dhaevai charrai savaaeeaa ||

The Perfect Guru bestows His gifts, which increase day by day.

quis dyvY Awip dieAwlu n CpY CpweIAw ]

thus dhaevai aap dhaeiaal n shhapai shhapaaeeaa ||

The Merciful Lord Himself bestows them; they cannot be concealed by concealment.

ihrdY kvlu pRgwsu aunmin ilv lweIAw ]

hiradhai kaval pragaas ounaman liv laaeeaa ||

The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and the mortal is lovingly absorbed in the state of supreme bliss.

jy ko kry aus dI rIs isir CweI pweIAw ]

jae ko karae ous dhee rees sir shhaaee paaeeaa ||

If anyone tries to challenge him, the Lord throws dust on his head.

nwnk ApiV koie n skeI pUry siqgur kI vifAweIAw ]34]

aucwrx A`piV; vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

naanak aparr koe n sakee poorae sathigur kee vaddiaaeeaa ||34||

O Nanak, no one can equal the glory of the Perfect True Guru. ||34||