SGGSAng 829Raag BilavalMahalla 57 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx iblwvlu mh`lw pMjvw

bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

AwgY pwCY kuslu BieAw ]

aagai paashhai kusal bhaeiaa ||

Here, and hereafter, there is happiness.

guir pUrY pUrI sB rwKI pwrbRhim pRiB kInI mieAw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

gur poorai pooree sabh raakhee paarabreham prabh keenee maeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The Perfect Guru has perfectly, totally saved me; the Supreme Lord God has been kind to me. ||1||Pause||

min qin riv rihAw hir pRIqmu dUK drd sglw imit gieAw ]

man than rav rehiaa har preetham dhookh dharadh sagalaa mitt gaeiaa ||

The Lord, my Beloved, is pervading and permeating my mind and body; all my pains and sufferings are dispelled.

sWiq shj Awnd gux gwey dUq dust siB hoey KieAw ]1]

saanth sehaj aanadh gun gaaeae dhooth dhusatt sabh hoeae khaeiaa ||1||

In celestial peace, tranquility and bliss, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; my enemies and adversaries have been totally destroyed. ||1||

gunu Avgunu pRiB kCu n bIcwirE kir ikrpw Apunw kir lieAw ]

gun avagun prabh kashh n beechaariou kar kirapaa apunaa kar laeiaa ||

God has not considered my merits and demerits; in His Mercy, He has made me His own.

Aqul bfweI Acuq AibnwsI nwnku aucrY hir kI jieAw ]2]8]124]

athul baddaaee achuth abinaasee naanak oucharai har kee jaeiaa ||2||8||124||

Unweighable is the greatness of the immovable and imperishable Lord; Nanak proclaims the victory of the Lord. ||2||8||124||