Awsw mhlw 5 dupdw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw du-pdw ie`k
aasaa mehalaa 5 dhupadhaa 1 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Du-Pada 1:
swDU sµig isKwieE nwmu ]
saadhhoo sang sikhaaeiou naam ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Naam is learned;
srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ]
sarab manorathh pooran kaam ||
All desires and tasks are fulfilled.
buiJ geI iqRsnw hir jsih AGwny ]
aucwrx buiJ: polw bolo; AGwny: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
bujh gee thrisanaa har jasehi aghaanae ||
My thirst has been quenched, and I am satiated with the Lord's Praise.
jip jip jIvw swirgpwny ]1]
aucwrx swirg-pwny: itpI rihq bolo
jap jap jeevaa saarigapaanae ||1||
I live by chanting and meditating upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. ||1||
krn krwvn srin pirAw ]
karan karaavan saran pariaa ||
I have entered the Sanctuary of the Creator, the Cause of all causes.
gurprswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur parasaadh sehaj ghar paaeiaa mittiaa andhhaeraa chandh charriaa ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause||
lwl jvyhr Bry Bµfwr ]
aucwrx j-vyhr
laal javaehar bharae bhanddaar ||
My treasure-house is overflowing with rubies and jewels;
qoit n AwvY jip inrµkwr ]
thott n aavai jap nirankaar ||
I meditate on the Formless Lord, and so they never run short.
AMimRq sbdu pIvY jnu koie ]
anmrith sabadh peevai jan koe ||
How rare is that humble being, who drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Word of the Shabad.
nwnk qw kI prmgiq hoie ]2]41]92]
naanak thaa kee param gath hoe ||2||41||92||
O Nanak, he attains the state of highest dignity. ||2||41||92||