Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

6: qQwc

As Above

qRyqy CqRI rUp Dir sUrj bMsI vif Avqwrw ]

traytay chhatree roop dhari sooraj bansee vadi avataaraa.

In Treta in the Sun-dynasty descended in the form of the kshatriya(Ram) a great incarnation.

nau ihsy geI Awrjw mwieAw mohu AhMkwru pswrw ]

nau hisay gaee aarajaa maaiaa mohu ahankaaru pasaaraa.

Now the nine portions of age lessened and illusion,attachment and ego inflated.

duAwpuir jwdv vys kir juig juig AauD GtY Awcwrw ]

duaapuri jaadav vans kari jougi jougi audh ghatai aachaaraa.

In Dvapar, Yadav-dynasty came to the forefront i.e. the incarnation of Krsna became known to the people; but because of the lack of good conduct, Age by Age, the life span(of man) went on decreasing.

irg byd mih bRhm ikRiq pUrb muiK suB krm ibcwrw ]

rig bayd mahi braham kriti poorab moukhi soubh karam bichaaraa.

In the Rgveda the conduct of the brahmin and the ideas about the actions done facing the East were discussed.

KqRI Qwpy jujru vyid dyKx muiK bhu dwn dwqwrw ]

khatree daapay jujaru vaydi daykhan moukhi bahu daan daataaraa.

Kshatriyas became related to the Yajurveda and started pouring charities while facing the South.

vYsoN QwipAw isAwm vydu pCm muiK kir sIsu invwrw ]

vaison daapiaa siaam vaydu pachhamu moukhi kari seesu nivaaraa.

The vaishyas embraced the Samaveda and bowed to the West.

irig nIlMbir jujr pIq sÍyqMbir kir isAwm suDwrw ]

rigi neelabari jujar peet saytanbari kari siaam sudhaaraa.

Blue dress for Rgveda, yellow for Yajurveda and for singing of the hymns of Samaveda wearing of the white dress became a tradition.

iqRhu jugI qRY Drm aucwrw ]6]

trihu jougee trai dharam ouchaaraa ||6||

Thus three duties of the three Ages were enunciated.