7: qQwc
As Above
kiljug cauQw QwipAw sUdR ibriq jg mih vrqweI ]
kalijougu chaudaa daapiaa soodr birati jag mahi varataaee.
Kalijug became prevalent as the fourth age in which the low instincts gripped the whole world.
krm su irig jujr isAwm ky kry jgqu irid bhu sukcweI ]
karam su rigi jujar siaam kay karay jagatu ridi bahu soukachaaee.
People became resultant in performing of the duties enjoined in the Rig, Yajur and Samaveda.
mwihAw mohI mydnI kil kil vwlI siB BrmweI ]
maaiaa mohee maydanee kali kalivaalee sabhi bharamaaee.
The entire earth got enticed by mammon and the antics of the Kalijug put everyone into delusion.
auTI iglwin jgq ivic haumY AMdir jlY lukweI ]
outthee gilaani jagatri vichi haoumai andari jalai loukaaee.
Hatred and degeneracy engrossed the people and ego burnt oneand all.
koie nw iksY pUjdw aUc nIc siB giq ibsrweI ]
koi n kisai poojadaa ooch neech sabhi gati bisaraaee.
Nobody now worships anyone and the sense of respect for the younger and elder has vanished into thin air.
Bey ibAdlI pwqswh kil kwqI aumrwie ksweI ]
bhaay biadalee paatasaah kali kaatee oumaraai kasaaee.
In this cutter age the emporers are tyrants and their satraps butchers.
rihAw qpwvsu iqRhu jugI cauQy juig jo dyie su pweI ]
rahiaa tapaavasu trihu jougee chauday jougi jo dayi su paaee.
The justice of three ageshas become extinct and now whosoever gives something (as bribe) gets (justice?).
krm iBRsit siB BeI lokweI ]7]
karam bhrisati sabhi bhaee lokaaee ||7||
The mankind has become wanting in dexterity of action.