bsµqu mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw
basanth mehalaa 3 ||
Basant, Third Mehl:
Bgiq krih jn dyiK hjUir ]
bhagath karehi jan dhaekh hajoor ||
The Lord's humble servant worships Him and beholds Him ever-present near at hand.
sMq jnw kI pg pMkj DUir ]
aucwrx pg: polw bolo
santh janaa kee pag pankaj dhhoor ||
He is the dust of the lotus feet of the humble Saints.
hir syqI sd rhih ilv lwie ]
har saethee sadh rehehi liv laae ||
Those who remain lovingly attuned to the Lord forever
pUrY siqguir dIAw buJwie ]1]
aucwrx bu`Jwie
poorai sathigur dheeaa bujhaae ||1||
Are blessed with understanding by the Perfect True Guru. ||1||
dwsw kw dwsu ivrlw koeI hoie ]
dhaasaa kaa dhaas viralaa koee hoe ||
How rare are those who become the slave of the Lord's slaves.
aUqm pdvI pwvY soie ]1] rhwau ]
ootham padhavee paavai soe ||1|| rehaao ||
They attain the supreme status. ||1||Pause||
eyko syvhu Avru n koie ]
eaeko saevahu avar n koe ||
So serve the One Lord, and no other.
ijqu syivAY sdw suKu hoie ]
jith saeviai sadhaa sukh hoe ||
Serving Him, eternal peace is obtained.
nw Ehu mrY n AwvY jwie ]
naa ouhu marai n aavai jaae ||
He does not die; He does not come and go in reincarnation.
iqsu ibnu Avru syvI ikau mwie ]2]
this bin avar saevee kio maae ||2||
Why should I serve any other than Him, O my mother? ||2||
sy jn swcy ijnI swcu pCwixAw ]
sae jan saachae jinee saach pashhaaniaa ||
True are those humble beings who realize the True Lord.
Awpu mwir shjy nwim smwixAw ]
aap maar sehajae naam samaaniaa ||
Conquering their self-conceit, they merge intuitively into the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
gurmuiK nwmu prwpiq hoie ]
guramukh naam paraapath hoe ||
The Gurmukhs gather in the Naam.
mnu inrmlu inrml scu soie ]3]
man niramal niramal sach soe ||3||
Their minds are immaculate, and their reputations are immaculate. ||3||
ijin igAwnu kIAw iqsu hir qU jwxu ]
jin giaan keeaa this har thoo jaan ||
Know the Lord, who gave you spiritual wisdom,
swc sbid pRBu eyku is\wxu ]
saach sabadh prabh eaek sinjaan ||
And realize the One God, through the True Word of the Shabad.
hir rsu cwKY qW suiD hoie ]
har ras chaakhai thaan sudhh hoe ||
When the mortal tastes the sublime essence of the Lord, he becomes pure and holy.
nwnk nwim rqy scu soie ]4]8]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae sach soe ||4||8||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam - their reputations are true. ||4||8||