SGGSAng 626Raag SorathMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

qwpu gvwieAw guir pUry ]

thaap gavaaeiaa gur poorae ||

The Perfect Guru has dispelled the fever.

vwjy Anhd qUry ]

vaajae anehadh thoorae ||

The unstruck melody of the sound current resounds.

srb kilAwx pRiB kIny ]

sarab kaliaan prabh keenae ||

God has bestowed all comforts.

kir ikrpw Awip dIny ]1]

kar kirapaa aap dheenae ||1||

In His Mercy, He Himself has given them. ||1||

bydn siqguir Awip gvweI ]

baedhan sathigur aap gavaaee ||

The True Guru Himself has eradicated the disease.

isK sMq siB srsy hoey hir hir nwmu iDAweI ] rhwau ]

aucwrx sr-sy: pUrw 'r' lw ky, kµny rihq bolo

sikh santh sabh sarasae hoeae har har naam dhhiaaee || rehaao ||

All the Sikhs and Saints are filled with joy, meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||Pause||

jo mMgih so lyvih ]

jo mangehi so laevehi ||

They obtain that which they ask for.

pRB ApixAw sMqw dyvih ]

aucwrx Ap-ixAw

prabh apaniaa santhaa dhaevehi ||

God gives to His Saints.

hir goivdu pRiB rwiKAw ]

har govidh prabh raakhiaa ||

God saved Hargobind.

jn nwnk swcu suBwiKAw ]2]6]70]

aucwrx su-BwiKAw: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

jan naanak saach subhaakhiaa ||2||6||70||

Servant Nanak speaks the Truth. ||2||6||70||