SGGSAng 656Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji8 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

ihRdY kptu muK igAwnI ]

aucwrx kptu: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tu)

hridhai kapatt mukh giaanee ||

In his heart there is deception, and yet in his mouth are words of wisdom.

JUTy khw iblovis pwnI ]1]

jhoothae kehaa bilovas paanee ||1||

You are false - why are you churning water? ||1||

kWieAw mWjis kaun gunW ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaneiaa maanjas koun gunaan ||

Why do you bother to wash your body?

jau Gt BIqir hY mlnW ]1] rhwau ]

jo ghatt bheethar hai malanaan ||1|| rehaao ||

Your heart is still full of filth. ||1||Pause||

laukI ATsiT qIrQ n@weI ]

loukee athasath theerathh nhaaee ||

The gourd may be washed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines,

kaurwpnu qaU n jweI ]2]

aucwrx kaurw-pnu

kouraapan thoo n jaaee ||2||

But even then, its bitterness is not removed. ||2||

kih kbIr bIcwrI ]

kehi kabeer beechaaree ||

Says Kabeer after deep contemplation,

Bv swgru qwir murwrI ]3]8]

bhav saagar thaar muraaree ||3||8||

Please help me cross over the terrifying world-ocean, O Lord, O Destroyer of ego. ||3||8||