SGGSAng 655Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji14 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

ikAw pVIAY ikAw gunIAY ]

kiaa parreeai kiaa guneeai ||

What use is it to read, and what use is it to study?

ikAw byd purwnW sunIAY ]

kiaa baedh puraanaan suneeai ||

What use is it to listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas?

pVy suny ikAw hoeI ]

parrae sunae kiaa hoee ||

What use is reading and listening,

jau shj n imilE soeI ]1]

jo sehaj n miliou soee ||1||

If celestial peace is not attained? ||1||

hir kw nwmu n jpis gvwrw ]

har kaa naam n japas gavaaraa ||

The fool does not chant the Name of the Lord.

ikAw socih bwrµ bwrw ]1] rhwau ]

kiaa sochehi baaran baaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

So what does he think of, over and over again? ||1||Pause||

AMiDAwry dIpku chIAY ]

andhhiaarae dheepak cheheeai ||

In the darkness, we need a lamp

iek bsqu Agocr lhIAY ]

eik basath agochar leheeai ||

To find the incomprehensible thing.

bsqu Agocr pweI ]

basath agochar paaee ||

I have found this incomprehensible thing;

Git dIpku rihAw smweI ]2]

ghatt dheepak rehiaa samaaee ||2||

My mind is illuminated and enlightened. ||2||

kih kbIr Ab jwinAw ]

kehi kabeer ab jaaniaa ||

Says Kabeer, now I know Him;

jb jwinAw qau mnu mwinAw ]

jab jaaniaa tho man maaniaa ||

Since I know Him, my mind is pleased and appeased.

mn mwny logu n pqIjY ]

man maanae log n patheejai ||

My mind is pleased and appeased, and yet, people do not believe it.

n pqIjY qau ikAw kIjY ]3]7]

n patheejai tho kiaa keejai ||3||7||

They do not believe it, so what can I do? ||3||7||