pauVI ]
pourree ||
QQw iQru koaU nhI kwie pswrhu pwv ]
thhathhaa thhir kooo nehee kaae pasaarahu paav ||
T'HAT'HA: Nothing is permanent - why do you stretch out your feet?
Aink bMc bl Cl krhu mwieAw eyk aupwv ]
anik banch bal shhal karahu maaeiaa eaek oupaav ||
You commit so many fraudulent and deceitful actions as you chase after Maya.
QYlI sµchu sRmu krhu Qwik prhu gwvwr ]
thhailee sanchahu sram karahu thhaak parahu gaavaar ||
You work to fill up your bag, you fool, and then you fall down exhausted.
mn kY kwim n AwveI AMqy Aausr bwr ]
man kai kaam n aavee anthae aousar baar ||
But this shall be of no use to you at all at that very last instant.
iQiq pwvhu goibd Bjhu sMqh kI isK lyhu ]
aucwrx Bjhu: polw bolo
thhith paavahu gobidh bhajahu santheh kee sikh laehu ||
You shall find stability only by vibrating upon the Lord of the Universe, and accepting the Teachings of the Saints.
pRIiq krhu sd eyk isau ieAw swcw Asnyhu ]
preeth karahu sadh eaek sio eiaa saachaa asanaehu ||
Embrace love for the One Lord forever - this is true love!
kwrn krn krwvno sB ibiD eykY hwQ ]
kaaran karan karaavano sabh bidhh eaekai haathh ||
He is the Doer, the Cause of causes. All ways and means are in His Hands alone.
ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgih nwnk jµq AnwQ ]33]
jith jith laavahu thith thith lagehi naanak janth anaathh ||33||
Whatever You attach me to, to that I am attached; O Nanak, I am just a helpless creature. ||33||