BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
Bgqw min Awnµdu goibMd ]
bhagathaa man aanandh gobindh ||
The minds of the Lord's devotee are filled with bliss.
AsiQiq Bey ibnsI sB icMd ]
asathhith bheae binasee sabh chindh ||
They become stable and permanent, and all their anxiety is gone.
BY BRm ibnis gey iKn mwih ]
bhai bhram binas geae khin maahi ||
Their fears and doubts are dispelled in an instant.
pwrbRhmu visAw min Awie ]1]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham vasiaa man aae ||1||
The Supreme Lord God comes to dwell in their minds. ||1||
rwm rwm sMq sdw shwie ]
raam raam santh sadhaa sehaae ||
The Lord is forever the Help and Support of the Saints.
Gir bwhir nwly prmysru riv rihAw pUrn sB Twie ]1] rhwau ]
ghar baahar naalae paramaesar rav rehiaa pooran sabh thaae ||1|| rehaao ||
Inside the home of the heart, and outside as well, the Transcendent Lord is always with us, permeating and pervading all places. ||1||Pause||
Dnu mwlu jobnu jugiq gopwl ]
dhhan maal joban jugath gopaal ||
The Lord of the World is my wealth, property, youth and ways and means.
jIA pRwx inq suK pRiqpwl ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwl: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo
jeea praan nith sukh prathipaal ||
He continually cherishes and brings peace to my soul and breath of life.
Apny dws kau dy rwKY hwQ ]
apanae dhaas ko dhae raakhai haathh ||
He reaches out with His Hand and saves His slave.
inmK n CofY sdhI swQ ]2]
nimakh n shhoddai sadh hee saathh ||2||
He does not abandon us, even for an instant; He is always with us. ||2||
hir sw pRIqmu Avru n koie ]
har saa preetham avar n koe ||
There is no other Beloved like the Lord.
swir sm@wly swcw soie ]
saar samhaalae saachaa soe ||
The True Lord takes care of all.
mwq ipqw suq bMDu nrwiexu ]
maath pithaa suth bandhh naraaein ||
The Lord is our Mother, Father, Son and Relation.
Awid jugwid Bgq gux gwiexu ]3]
aadh jugaadh bhagath gun gaaein ||3||
Since the beginning of time, and throughout the ages, His devotees sing His Glorious Praises. ||3||
iqs kI Dr pRB kw min joru ]
this kee dhhar prabh kaa man jor ||
My mind is filled with the Support and the Power of the Lord.
eyk ibnw dUjw nhI horu ]
eaek binaa dhoojaa nehee hor ||
Without the Lord, there is no other at all.
nwnk kY min iehu purKwrQu ]
aucwrx pur-KwrQu
naanak kai man eihu purakhaarathh ||
Nanak's mind is encouraged by this hope,
pRBU hmwrw swry suAwrQu ]4]38]51]
aucwrx su-AwrQu
prabhoo hamaaraa saarae suaarathh ||4||38||51||
That God will accomplish my objectives in life. ||4||38||51||