BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
Awpy swsqu Awpy bydu ]
aapae saasath aapae baedh ||
He Himself is the Shaastras, and He Himself is the Vedas.
Awpy Git Git jwxY Bydu ]
aapae ghatt ghatt jaanai bhaedh ||
He knows the secrets of each and every heart.
joiq srUp jw kI sB vQu ]
joth saroop jaa kee sabh vathh ||
He is the Embodiment of Light; all beings belong to Him.
krx kwrx pUrn smrQu ]1]
karan kaaran pooran samarathh ||1||
The Creator, the Cause of causes, the Perfect All-powerful Lord. ||1||
pRB kI Et ghhu mn myry ]
prabh kee outt gehahu man maerae ||
Grab hold of the Support of God, O my mind.
crn kml gurmuiK AwrwDhu dusmn dUKu n AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ]
charan kamal guramukh aaraadhhahu dhusaman dhookh n aavai naerae ||1|| rehaao ||
As Gurmukh, worship and adore His Lotus Feet; enemies and pains shall not even approach you. ||1||Pause||
Awpy vxu iqRxu iqRBvx swru ]
aapae van thrin thribhavan saar ||
He Himself is the Essence of the forests and fields, and all the three worlds.
jw kY sUiq proieAw sMswru ]
jaa kai sooth paroeiaa sansaar ||
The universe is strung on His Thread.
Awpy isv skqI sµjogI ]
aapae siv sakathee sanjogee ||
He is the Uniter of Shiva and Shakti - mind and matter.
Awip inrbwxI Awpy BogI ]2]
aap nirabaanee aapae bhogee ||2||
He Himself is in the detachment of Nirvaanaa, and He Himself is the Enjoyer. ||2||
jq kq pyKau qq qq soie ]
jath kath paekho thath thath soe ||
Wherever I look, there He is.
iqsu ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ]
this bin dhoojaa naahee koe ||
Without Him, there is no one at all.
swgru qrIAY nwm kY rµig ]
saagar thareeai naam kai rang ||
In the Love of the Naam, the world-ocean is crossed.
gux gwvY nwnku swDsµig ]3]
gun gaavai naanak saadhhasang ||3||
Nanak sings His Glorious Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||3||
mukiq Bugiq jugiq vis jw kY ]
mukath bhugath jugath vas jaa kai ||
Liberation, the ways and means of enjoyment and union are under His Control.
aUxw nwhI ikCu jn qw kY ]
oonaa naahee kishh jan thaa kai ||
His humble servant lacks nothing.
kir ikrpw ijsu hoie supRsµn ]
kar kirapaa jis hoe suprasann ||
That person, with whom the Lord, in His Mercy, is pleased
nwnk dws syeI jn DMn ]4]37]50]
naanak dhaas saeee jan dhhann ||4||37||50||
- O slave Nanak, that humble servant is blessed. ||4||37||50||