SGGSAng 1018Raag MaruMahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw

maaroo mehalaa 5 ||

Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

Awau jI qU Awau hmwrY hir jsu sRvn sunwvnw ]1] rhwau ]

aao jee thoo aao hamaarai har jas sravan sunaavanaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Please come O please come into the home of my heart that I may hear with my ears the Lord's Praises. ||1||Pause||

quDu Awvq myrw mnu qnu hirAw hir jsu qum sµig gwvnw ]1]

thudhh aavath maeraa man than hariaa har jas thum sang gaavanaa ||1||

With your coming, my soul and body are rejuvenated, and I sing with you the Lord's Praises. ||1||

sMq ikRpw qy ihrdY vwsY dUjw Bwau imtwvnw ]2]

santh kirapaa thae hiradhai vaasai dhoojaa bhaao mittaavanaa ||2||

By the Grace of the Saint, the Lord dwells within the heart, and the love of duality is eradicated. ||2||

Bgq dieAw qy buiD prgwsY durmiq dUK qjwvnw ]3]

bhagath dhaeiaa thae budhh paragaasai dhuramath dhookh thajaavanaa ||3||

By the kindness of the devotee, the intellect is enlightened, and pain and evil-mindedness are eradicated. ||3||

drsnu Bytq hoq punIqw punrip griB n pwvnw ]4]

dharasan bhaettath hoth puneethaa punarap garabh n paavanaa ||4||

Beholding the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, one is sanctified, and is no longer consigned to the womb of reincarnation. ||4||

nauiniD iriD isiD pweI jo qumrY min Bwvnw ]5]

aucwrx nau-in`iD; ir`iD; is`iD

no nidhh ridhh sidhh paaee jo thumarai man bhaavanaa ||5||

The nine treasures, wealth and miraculous spiritual powers are obtained, by one who is pleasing to Your mind. ||5||

sMq ibnw mY Qwau n koeI Avr n sUJY jwvnw ]6]

santh binaa mai thhaao n koee avar n soojhai jaavanaa ||6||

Without the Saint, I have no place of rest at all; I cannot think of any other place to go. ||6||

moih inrgun kau koie n rwKY sMqw sµig smwvnw ]7]

mohi niragun ko koe n raakhai santhaa sang samaavanaa ||7||

I am unworthy; no one gives me sanctuary. But in the Society of the Saints, I merge in God. ||7||

khu nwnk guir clqu idKwieAw mn mDy hir hir rwvnw ]8]2]5]

aucwrx m`Dy

kahu naanak gur chalath dhikhaaeiaa man madhhae har har raavanaa ||8||2||5||

Says Nanak, the Guru has revealed this miracle; within my mind, I enjoy the Lord, Har, Har. ||8||2||5||