sUhI mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw qIjw
soohee mehalaa 3 ||
Soohee, Third Mehl:
hir jI sUKmu Agmu hY ikqu ibiD imilAw jwie ]
har jee sookham agam hai kith bidhh miliaa jaae ||
The Dear Lord is subtle and inaccessible; how can we ever meet Him?
gur kY sbid BRmu ktIAY AicMqu vsY min Awie ]1]
gur kai sabadh bhram katteeai achinth vasai man aae ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, doubt is dispelled, and the Carefree Lord comes to abide in the mind. ||1||
gurmuiK hir hir nwmu jpMin ]
guramukh har har naam japann ||
The Gurmukhs chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
hau iqn kY bilhwrxY min hir gux sdw rvµin ]1] rhwau ]
ho thin kai balihaaranai man har gun sadhaa ravann ||1|| rehaao ||
I am a sacrifice to those who chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord in their minds forever. ||1||Pause||
guru srvru mwn srovru hY vfBwgI purK lhµin@ ]
gur saravar maan sarovar hai vaddabhaagee purakh lehannih ||
The Guru is like the Mansarovar Lake; only the very fortunate beings find Him.
syvk gurmuiK KoijAw sy hMsuly nwmu lhµin ]2]
saevak guramukh khojiaa sae hansulae naam lehann ||2||
The Gurmukhs, the selfless servants, seek out the Guru; the swan-souls feed there on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||
nwmu iDAwiein@ rMg isau gurmuiK nwim lgµin@ ]
naam dhhiaaeinih rang sio guramukh naam lagannih ||
The Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam, and remain linked to the Naam.
Duir pUrib hovY iliKAw gur Bwxw mMin leyin@ ]3]
dhhur poorab hovai likhiaa gur bhaanaa mann leaenih ||3||
Whatever is pre-ordained, accept it as the Will of the Guru. ||3||
vfBwgI Gru KoijAw pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]
vaddabhaagee ghar khojiaa paaeiaa naam nidhhaan ||
By great good fortune, I searched my home, and found the treasure of the Naam.
guir pUrY vyKwilAw pRBu Awqm rwmu pCwnu ]4]
aucwrx vyKwilAw: 'v' nwl bolo
gur poorai vaekhaaliaa prabh aatham raam pashhaan ||4||
The Perfect Guru has shown God to me; I have realized the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||4||
sBnw kw pRBu eyku hY dUjw Avru n koie ]
sabhanaa kaa prabh eaek hai dhoojaa avar n koe ||
There is One God of all; there is no other at all.
gurprswdI min vsY iqqu Git prgtu hoie ]5]
gur parasaadhee man vasai thith ghatt paragatt hoe ||5||
By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to abide in the mind; in the heart of such a one, He is revealed. ||5||
sBu AMqrjwmI bRhmu hY bRhmu vsY sB Qwie ]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
sabh antharajaamee breham hai breham vasai sabh thhaae ||
God is the Inner-knower of all hearts; God dwells in every place.
mMdw iksno AwKIAY sbid vyKhu ilv lwie ]6]
mandhaa kis no aakheeai sabadh vaekhahu liv laae ||6||
So who should we call evil? Behold the Word of the Shabad, and lovingly dwell upon it. ||6||
burw Blw iqcru AwKdw ijcru hY duhu mwih ]
buraa bhalaa thichar aakhadhaa jichar hai dhuhu maahi ||
He calls others bad and good, as long as he is in duality.
gurmuiK eyko buiJAw eyksu mwih smwie ]7]
aucwrx bu`iJAw
guramukh eaeko bujhiaa eaekas maahi samaae ||7||
The Gurmukh understands the One and Only Lord; He is absorbed in the One Lord. ||7||
syvw sw pRB BwvsI jo pRBu pwey Qwie ]
saevaa saa prabh bhaavasee jo prabh paaeae thhaae ||
That is selfless service, which pleases God, and which is approved by God.
jn nwnk hir AwrwiDAw gur crxI icqu lwie ]8]2]4]9]
jan naanak har aaraadhhiaa gur charanee chith laae ||8||2||4||9||
Servant Nanak worships the Lord in adoration; he focuses his consciousness on the Guru's Feet. ||8||2||4||9||