pauVI ]
pourree ||
ijnI AMdru BwilAw gur sbid suhwvY ]
jinee andhar bhaaliaa gur sabadh suhaavai ||
Those who search their inner beings through the Word of the Guru's Shabad are exalted and adorned.
jo ieCin so pwiedy hir nwmu iDAwvY ]
jo eishhan so paaeidhae har naam dhhiaavai ||
They obtain what they wish for, meditating on the Lord's Name.
ijsno ikRpw kry iqsu guru imlY so hir gux gwvY ]
jis no kirapaa karae this gur milai so har gun gaavai ||
One who is blessed by God's Grace, meets with the Guru; he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
Drmrwie iqn kw imqu hY jmmig n pwvY ]
dhharam raae thin kaa mith hai jam mag n paavai ||
The Righteous Judge of Dharma is his friend; he does not have to walk on the Path of Death.
hir nwmu iDAwvih idnsu rwiq hir nwim smwvY ]14]
har naam dhhiaavehi dhinas raath har naam samaavai ||14||
He meditates on the Lord's Name, day and night; he is absorbed and immersed in the Lord's Name. ||14||