Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama83 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

vwihgurU jIau sq

vaahiguroo jeeau sat

Waaheguru is the Truth,

nwim E Swih nwnik h`k kyS ]

naam o shaeh naanak ha'k kesh ||

His name is Nanak, the emperor and his religion is the truth,

ik inAwied cuƒ idgr drvyS ]13]

k niaaidh chunoo(n) dhigar dharavesh ||13||

And that, there has not been another prophet like him who emanated in this world. (13)

&ukry aU &kr rw sr-&rwzI

phukare uoo phakar raa sara-pharaazee

His mendicancy (by precept and practice) lifts the head of saintly living to lofty heights,

pyiS aU kwir jumlw jwnbwzI ] 14 ]

pesh uoo kaar jumalaa jaanabaazee || 14 ||

And, in his view, everyone should be prepared to venture his life for the principles of truth and noble deeds. (14)

qwilby ^wik aU ich ^wso ich Awm

taalibe khhaak uoo cheh khhaaso cheh aam

Whether special person of high status or ordinary people, whether angels or

ich mlwiek ich hwzrwin qmwm ] 15 ]

cheh malaik cheh haazaraan tamaam || 15 ||

Whether onlookers of the heavenly court, all of them are desirous-petitioners of the dust of his lotus feet. (15)

h`k cU ^u`d vwis&S icgoiem mn

ha'k choo khhu'dh vaasiphash chigoim man

When God Himself is showering praises on him, what can I add to that?

dr rwih vsi& aU ic poiem mn ] 16 ]

dhar raeh vasaph uoo ch poim man || 16 ||

In fact, how should I travel on the path of approbations? (16)

sd hzwrW murIdS Az mlkUq

sadh hazaaraa(n) mureedhash az malakoot

Millions from the world of souls, the angels, are his devotees,

sd hzwrW murIdS Az nwsUq ] 17 ]

sadh hazaaraa(n) mureedhash az naasoot || 17 ||

And, millions of people from this world are also his disciples. (17)

hmw jbrUqIAW i&dwie aU

hamaa jabarooteeaa(n) phidhai uoo

Gods of the metaphysical world are all willing to sacrifice themselves for him,

hmw lwhUqIAW bpwie aU ] 18 ]

hamaa laahooteeaa(n) bapai uoo || 18 ||

And, even all the angels of the spiritual world are also prepared to follow suit. (18)

hmw nwsUqIAW mlwieik aU

hamaa naasooteeaa(n) malaik uoo

People of this world are all his creations as angels,

jlvw-AS dW qihqo &Oik inkU ] 19 ]

jalavaa-ash dhaa(n) tahito phauak nikoo || 19 ||

And, his glimpse is clearly manifested on the lips of everyone. (19)

jw-nSInwin aU Az aU lwiek

jaa-nasheenaan uoo az uoo laik

All his associates enjoying his company become knowledgeable (of spiritualism)

izkir qOsIi& zwq rw lwiek ] 20 ]

zikar tauaseeph zaat raa laik || 20 ||

And, they begin to describe the glories of Waaheguru in their speeches. (20)

Abd Awbwd kdro jwho inSW

abadh aabaadh kadharo jaaho nishaa(n)

Their honor and esteem, status and rank and name and imprints stay in this world forever;

br A&rwzd iz X`k idgr subhW ] 21 ]

bar apharaazadh z ya'k dhigar subahaa(n) || 21 ||

And, the chaste Creator bestows upon them a higher rank than others. (21)

murSdul-AwlmIN Suds cU i^qwb

murashadhula-aalamee(n) shudhas choo khhitaab

When the prophet of both the world addressed

Az AnwXwiq hzriq vhwb ] 22 ]

az anaayaat hazarat vahaab || 22 ||

Through his benefaction, the all-powerful Waaheguru, he said (22)

gu&q mn bMdw E Zulwim qU Am

guphat man ba(n)dhaa o g(h)ulaam too am

Then he said, I am Your servitor, and I am Your slave,

^wik Akdwim ^wso Awim qU Am ] 23 ]

khhaak akadhaam khhaaso aam too am || 23 ||

And, I am the dust of the feet of all of Your ordinary and special people. (23)

bwz cUM hmcunIN i^qwb Awmd

baaz choo(n) hamachunee(n) khhitaab aamadh

Thus when he addressed Him like this (in stark humility)

mqvwqr cunIN jvwb Awmd ] 24 ]

matavaatar chunee(n) javaab aamadh || 24 ||

Then he got the same response again and again. (24)

ik mnm dr qU ZYr qU ks nIsq

k manam dhar too g(h)air too kas neesat

That I, the Akaalpurkh, abide in you and I do not recognize anyone other than you,

hr ich ^whm kunm hmw AdlIsq ] 25 ]

har cheh khhaaham kunam hamaa adhaleesat || 25 ||

Whatever I, the Waheeguru, desire, I do; and I do only the justice. (25)

rwih izkrm b Awlmy ibnumw

raeh zikaram b aalame binumaa

You should show the meditation (of my Naam) to the entire world,

b-hmw So iz vsi& mn goXw ] 26 ]

ba-hamaa sho z vasaph man goyaa || 26 ||

And, make every one chaste and sacred through My (Akaalpurakh's) kudos. (26)

dr hmw jw pnwho Xwir qU Am

dhar hamaa jaa panaaho yaar too am

I am your friend and well wisher at all places and in all situations, and I am your refuge;

XwvrI b^So ^wsqgwir qU Am ] 27 ]

yaavaree bakhhasho khhaasatagaar too am || 27 ||

I am there to support you, and I am your avid fan. (27)

hr ik nwim qU brqrIN dwnd

har k naam too barataree(n) dhaanadh

Anyone who would try to elevate your name and make you famous,

Az idlo jW b-vsi& mn ^wnd ] 28 ]

az dhilo jaa(n) ba-vasaph man khhaanadh || 28 ||

He would, in fact, be approbating Me with his heart and soul. (28)

mn aU rw zwiq ^ud numwiem bwz

man uoo raa zaat khhudh numaim baaz

Then, kindly show me Your Limitless Entity,

AYhid mn s^qgIr br kun swz ] 29 ]

aaihadh man sakhhatageer bar kun saaz || 29 ||

And, thus make my difficult resolves and situations eased up. (29)

igrid Awlm brAw vw hwdI SO

giradh aalam baraa vaa haadhee shau

You should come to this world and act like a guide and captain,

ik jhW ZYir mn inXrzd jO ] 30 ]

k jahaa(n) g(h)air man niyarazadh jau || 30 ||

Because this world is not worth even a grain of barley without Me, the Akaalpurakh. (30)

dr hkIkq mnm cU rwh-numw

dhar hakeekat manam choo raaha-numaa

In reality, when I am your guide and steer,

qU jhW rw bpwie ^ud pYmw ] 31 ]

too jahaa(n) raa bapai khhudh paimaa || 31 ||

Then, you should traverse the journey of this world with your own feet. (31)

hr ik rw ^whm v Svm hwdI

har k raa khhaaham v shavam haadhee

Whomsoever I like and I show him the direction in this world,

Az qU dr idl dr-AwrmS swdI ] 32 ]

az too dhar dhil dhara-aaramash saadhee || 32 ||

Then, for his sake, I bring elation and happiness in his heart. (32)

vW ik gumrwh swzmS iz gzb

vaa(n) k gumaraeh saazamash z gazab

Whomsoever I will misdirect and put him on a wrong track out of My indignation for him,

nBrsd Az hdwieiq qU b-r`b ] 33 ]

nabharasadh az hadhait too ba-ra'b || 33 ||

He will not be able to reach Me, the Akaalpurakh, in spite of your advice and counsel. (33)

Sudw gunrwh Awlmy bymn

shudhaa gunaraeh aalame beman

This world is being misdirected and strayed without me,

swihrW gSqw AMd jwdUie mn ] 34 ]

saahiraa(n) gashataa a(n)dh jaadhooi man || 34 ||

My sorcery has become the sorcerer himself. (34)

murdgW rw kunµd izMdw hmI

muradhagaa(n) raa kuna(n)dh zi(n)dhaa hamee

My charms and spells bring the dead back alive,

izMdgW rw bjW kuSMdw hmI ] 35 ]

zi(n)dhagaa(n) raa bajaa(n) kusha(n)dhaa hamee || 35 ||

And, those who are living (in sin) kill them. (35)

AwiqSy rw kunµd Awb vS

aatishe raa kuna(n)dh aab vash

My charms transform the 'fire' into ordinary water,

br sry Awb znµd AwiqS ] 36 ]

bar sare aab zana(n)dh aatish || 36 ||

And, with the ordinary water, they extinguish and cool off the fires. (36)

hr ich ^whMd mI-kunµd hmW

har cheh khhaaha(n)dh mee-kuna(n)dh hamaa(n)

My charms do whatever they like;

jumlw jwdU &n AMd br swmW ] 37 ]

jumalaa jaadhoo phan a(n)dh bar saamaa(n) || 37 ||

And, they mystify with their spell all material and non-material things. (37)

rwih SW rw numw b-sUie mn

raeh shaa(n) raa numaa ba-sooi man

Please divert their path in my direction,

ik pzIrMd gu&qgUie mn ] 38 ]

k pazeera(n)dh guphatagooi man || 38 ||

So that they can adopt and acquisition my words and message. (38)

ZYr izkrm b-jwduey nBrvMd

g(h)air zikaram ba-jaadhue nabharava(n)dh

They do not go for any spells except My meditation,

juz dir mn bjwnby nBrvMd ] 39 ]

juz dhar man bajaanabe nabharava(n)dh || 39 ||

And, they do not move in any direction other than towards My door. (39)

ik iz doz^ SvMd rusqw hmy

k z dhozakhh shava(n)dh rusataa hame

Because they have been spared of the Hades,

vrnw au&qMd dsq-bsqw hmy ] 40 ]

varanaa uphata(n)dh dhasata-basataa hame || 40 ||

Otherwise, they would fall with their hands tied down. (40)

kw& qw kw& Awlmy jumlw

kaaph taa kaaph aalame jumalaa

This whole world, from one end to the other,

dwAvq Awmozo zwlmy jumlw ] 41 ]

dhaavat aamozo zaalame jumalaa || 41 ||

Is relaying the message that this world is cruel and corrupt. (41)

rMjy &rhq iz mn n mI-dwnµd

ra(n)je pharahat z man na mee-dhaana(n)dh

They do not realize any grief or happiness because of me,

hmw Az ZYir mn prySwnµd ] 42 ]

hamaa az g(h)air man pareshaana(n)dh || 42 ||

And, without me, they all are confused and perplexed. (42)

AOjumn mI-kunµd v Az AMjm

aauajuman mee-kuna(n)dh v az a(n)jam

They congregate and from the stars

br SumwrMd rUiz SwdI E Zm ] 43 ]

bar shumaara(n)dh rooz shaadhee o g(h)m || 43 ||

They count the number of days of sorrow and happiness. (43)

br ingwrMd nihso swAwd hmy

bar nigaara(n)dh nahiso saaadh hame

Then they pen down their good and not-so-good fortunes in their horoscopes,

bwz goieMd kblo bwAd hmy ] 44 ]

baaz goi(n)dh kabalo baadh hame || 44 ||

And say, sometimes before and other times afterwards, as: (44)

nIsq SW rw b-izkr iesiqklwl

neesat shaa(n) raa ba-zikar isatikalaal

They are not firm and consistent in their meditation chores,

kwl dwnµd jumlgW by-hwl ] 45 ]

kaal dhaana(n)dh jumalagaa(n) be-haal || 45 ||

And, they talk and project themselves like confused and perplexed persons. (45)

rU numw jumlw rw sUie i&krm

roo numaa jumalaa raa sooi phikaram

Divert their attention and face towards My meditation

ik ndwrMd dosq juz izkrm ] 46 ]

k nadhaara(n)dh dhosat juz zikaram || 46 ||

So that they will not consider anything other than discourses about Me as their friend. (46)

qw hmw kwir SW inko swzm

taa hamaa kaar shaa(n) niko saazam

So that I could set their worldly tasks on the right path,

^wqir SW iz nUr ibqrwzm ] 47 ]

khhaatar shaa(n) z noor bitaraazam || 47 ||

And, I could improve and refine their inclinations and tendencies with the divine glow. (47)

mn qurw AwPrIdm Az pey AW

man turaa aafareedham az pe aa(n)

I have created you for this purpose

ik SvI rihnumw b-jumlw jhW ] 48 ]

k shavee rahinumaa ba-jumalaa jahaa(n) || 48 ||

So that you should be the leader to steer the whole world towrads the right path. (48)

hu`ib ZYr Az zmIir SW bzdwie

hu'b g(h)air az zameer shaa(n) bazadhai

You should dispel the love for dualism from their hearts and minds,

hmgnW rw qU rwih rwsq numwie ] 49 ]

hamaganaa(n) raa too raeh raasat numai || 49 ||

And, you should direct them towards the true path. (49)

Swh gu&qw ic lwiek Awnm

shaeh guphataa ch laik aanam

The Guru (Nanak) said, How can I be so capable of this stupendous task

ik idil jumlw bwz grdwnm ] 50 ]

k dhil jumalaa baaz garadhaanam || 50 ||

That I should be able to divert the minds of everyone towards the true path. (50)

mn kujw v cunIN kmwl kujw

man kujaa v chunee(n) kamaal kujaa

The Guru said, I am no where near such a miracle,

mn ikh v &`ry zuljlwl kujw ] 51 ]

man keh v pha're zulajalaal kujaa || 51 ||

I am lowly without any virtues compared to the grandiose and exquisiteness of the form of Akaalpurakh. (51)

lyk hukmq kSm bjwin bidl

lek hukamat kasham bajaan badhil

However, Your command is entirely acceptable to my heart and soul,

nSvm X`k zmW Azo Zwi&l ] 52 ]

nashavam ya'k zamaa(n) azo g(h)aaphil || 52 ||

And, I shall not be negligent of Your order even for a moment. (52)

hwdI E rihnumwie jumlw qUeI

haadhee o rahinumai jumalaa tooiee

Only you are the guide to lead the people to the right path, and you are the mentor for all;

rihbro idl-igrwmIie jumlw qUeI ] 53 ]

rahibaro dhila-giraameei jumalaa tooiee || 53 ||

You are the one who can lead the way and who can mold the minds of all people to your way of thinking. (53)