Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama15 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

slqænqy doiem

salatnate dhoim

Second Guru, Guru Angad Dev Ji

slqænqy doiemS A`vl murIdy swijd v Awi^r muriSdy msjUdS ]

salatnate dhoimasha, a'val mureedhe saajidha; v aakhhira, murashidhe masajoodhash ||

The second Guru, Guru Angad Dev Ji, became the first supplicating disciple of Guru Nanak Sahib. Then he transformed himself into a mentor worth supplicating to.

v &roZy AW mSAæly hæ`kæo eIkæW roz A&zUM Az vhUdS ]

v pharog(h)e, aa(n) mashale h'ko ieekaa(n); roz aphazoo(n), az vahoodhash ||

The light emitted from the flame of his strong faith in truth and belief, due to his disposition and personality, was far greater than that of the day.

dr-mAænI Xky v dr sUrq do mSAæly jW A&roz ]

dhara-manee yake, v dhar soorat dho; mashale jaa(n) apharoz ||

Both he and his mentor, Guru Nanak, had, in fact, one soul but outwardly were two torches to glisten the minds and the hearts of the people.

v dr hækæIkæq Ahæd v b-zwihr do SuAælwey mw-svw-Alhæ`kæ soz ]

v dhar hkeekt ahdha, v ba-zaahir dho; shualaae maa-savaa-alah'k soz ||

Intrinsically, they were one but overtly were two sparks that could singe everything but the truth.

mqæAæey ^wswny bwrgwhy AhædIXq

matae khhaasaane, baaragaahe ahdheeyat

The second Guru was the wealth and treasure and the leader of the special persons of the court of the Akaalpurakh.

v msjUdy mukæiblwny hæzrqy smdIXq ]

v masajoodhe mukbilaane, hzarate samadheeyat ||

He became the anchor for the people who were acceptable in the divine court.

mOsU&y eyzdy-muqAæwl

mauasoophe ezadhe-mutaal

He was a selected member of the heavenly court of the majestic

v brguzId-hey drgwhy zul-jlwl ]

v baraguzeedha-he, dharagaahe zula-jalaal ||

and awe-inspiring Waaheguru and had received high praises from Him.

A`vlIn Ail&y nwmy pwkS Ahwqw-gIry &Yzo &uzlw br-AMdk v ksIr v hr AmIr v &kæIr ]

a'valeen aliphe naame paakasha, ahaataa-geere phaizo phuzalaa; bara-a(n)dhak v kaseera, v har ameer v phakeer ||

The first letter of his name, 'Aliph', is the one that encompasses the virtues and blessings of high and low, rich and poor, and the king and the mendicant.

v SmImy nUny hækæIkæq mShUnS nvwizMdhey hr nkæIro kiæqæmIr v Adnw v kbIr ]

v shameeme noone, hkeekt mashahoonasha; navaazi(n)dhahe, har nakeero kitmeera, v adhanaa v kabeer ||

The aroma of the truth-filled letter 'Noon' in his name bestows and cares for the high rulers and the low like menials.

kw&y &wrsIAS kwmrwny eIvwny Azl

kaaphe phaaraseeasha, kaamaraane ieevaane azal

The next letter in his name 'Gaaf' represents the traveler of the path to the eternal congregation

v gIhwny ^dIvy lm Xzl ]

v geehaane khhadheeve, lam yazal ||

and for the world to stay in the highest spirits.

dwly Awi^rS dvwey drdo Alm

dhaale aakhhirasha, dhavaae dharadho alam

The last letter in his name, 'Daal' is the cure for all diseases

v brqr Az bySo km ]54]

v baratara, az besho kam ||54||

and pains and is above and beyond progression and recession. (54)