SGGSAng 486Raag AsaSri Ravidas Jio9 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


qum cMdn hm ierµf bwpury sµig qumwry bwsw ]

thum chandhan ham eirandd baapurae sang thumaarae baasaa ||

You are sandalwood, and I am the poor castor oil plant, dwelling close to you.

nIc rUK qy aUc Bey hY gMD sugµD invwsw ]1]

neech rookh thae ooch bheae hai gandhh sugandhh nivaasaa ||1||

From a lowly tree, I have become exalted; Your fragrance, Your exquisite fragrance now permeates me. ||1||

mwDau sqsµgiq srin qum@wrI ]

maadhho sathasangath saran thumhaaree ||

O Lord, I seek the Sanctuary of the company of Your Saints;

hm Aaugn qum@ aupkwrI ]1] rhwau ]

ham aougan thumh oupakaaree ||1|| rehaao ||

I am worthless, and You are so benevolent. ||1||Pause||

qum mKqUl supyd spIAl hm bpury js kIrw ]

aucwrx mK-qUl; su-pyd; s-pIAl

thum makhathool supaedh sapeeal ham bapurae jas keeraa ||

You are the white and yellow threads of silk, and I am like a poor worm.

sqsµgiq imil rhIAY mwDau jYsy mDup mKIrw ]2]

sathasangath mil reheeai maadhho jaisae madhhup makheeraa ||2||

O Lord, I seek to live in the Company of the Saints, like the bee with its honey. ||2||

jwqI ECw pwqI ECw ECw jnmu hmwrw ]

jaathee oushhaa paathee oushhaa oushhaa janam hamaaraa ||

My social status is low, my ancestry is low, and my birth is low as well.

rwjwrwm kI syv n kInI kih rivdws cmwrw ]3]3]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

raajaa raam kee saev n keenee kehi ravidhaas chamaaraa ||3||3||

I have not performed the service of the Lord, the Lord, says Ravi Daas the cobbler. ||3||3||