SGGSAng 486Raag AsaSri Ravidas Jio9 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


khw BieE jau qnu BieE iCnu iCnu ]

kehaa bhaeiou jo than bhaeiou shhin shhin ||

What would it matter, if my body were cut into pieces?

pRymu jwie qau frpY qyro jnu ]1]

praem jaae tho ddarapai thaero jan ||1||

If I were to lose Your Love, Lord, then Your humble servant would be afraid. ||1||

quJih crn AribMd Bvnmnu ]

thujhehi charan arabindh bhavan man ||

Your lotus feet are the home of my mind.

pwn krq pwieE pwieE rwmeIAw Dnu ]1] rhwau ]

paan karath paaeiou paaeiou raameeaa dhhan ||1|| rehaao ||

Drinking in Your Nectar, I have obtained the wealth of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

sµpiq ibpiq ptl mwieAw Dnu ]

aucwrx ibpiq: polw bolo (ASuD: ib-piq); ptl: polw bolo (ASuD: pt`l jW p`tl)

sanpath bipath pattal maaeiaa dhhan ||

Prosperity, adversity, property and wealth are just Maya.

qw mih mgn hoq n qyro jnu ]2]

aucwrx mgn: polw bolo

thaa mehi magan hoth n thaero jan ||2||

Your humble servant is not engrossed in them. ||2||

pRym kI jyvrI bwiDE qyro jn ]

praem kee jaevaree baadhhiou thaero jan ||

Your humble servant is tied by the rope of Your Love.

kih rivdws CUitbo kvn gun ]3]4]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

kehi ravidhaas shhoottibo kavan gun ||3||4||

Says Ravi Daas, what benefit would I get by escaping from it? ||3||4||