BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
jy sau loic loic KwvwieAw ]
jae so loch loch khaavaaeiaa ||
Even though he may be fed with hundreds of longings and yearnings,
swkq hir hir cIiq n AwieAw ]1]
saakath har har cheeth n aaeiaa ||1||
Still the faithless cynic does not remember the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||
sMq jnw kI lyhu mqy ]
aucwrx m`qy
santh janaa kee laehu mathae ||
Take in the teachings of the humble Saints.
swDsµig pwvhu prmgqy ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx prm-gqy: polw bolo
saadhhasang paavahu param gathae ||1|| rehaao ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall obtain the supreme status. ||1||Pause||
pwQr kau bhu nIru pvwieAw ]
paathhar ko bahu neer pavaaeiaa ||
Stones may be kept under water for a long time.
nh BIgY AiDk sUkwieAw ]2]
neh bheegai adhhik sookaaeiaa ||2||
Even so, they do not absorb the water; they remain hard and dry. ||2||
Ktu swsqR mUrKY sunwieAw ]
khatt saasathr moorakhai sunaaeiaa ||
The six Shaastras may be read to a fool,
jYsy dhids pvnu JulwieAw ]3]
jaisae dheh dhis pavan jhulaaeiaa ||3||
But it is like the wind blowing in the ten directions. ||3||
ibnu kx Klhwnu jYsy gwh n pwieAw ]
aucwrx Kl-hwnu: polw bolo
bin kan khalehaan jaisae gaahan paaeiaa ||
It is like threshing a crop without any corn - nothing is gained.
iqau swkq qy ko n brwswieAw ]4]
aucwrx brw-swieAw
thio saakath thae ko n baraasaaeiaa ||4||
In the same way, no benefit comes from the faithless cynic. ||4||
iqq hI lwgw ijqu ko lwieAw ]
thith hee laagaa jith ko laaeiaa ||
As the Lord attaches them, so are all attached.
khu nwnk pRiB bxq bxwieAw ]5]5]
kahu naanak prabh banath banaaeiaa ||5||5||
Says Nanak, God has formed such a form. ||5||5||