BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
jIau pRwx ijin ricE srIr ]
jeeo praan jin rachiou sareer ||
He created the soul, the breath of life and the body.
ijnih aupwey iqs kau pIr ]1]
jinehi oupaaeae this ko peer ||1||
He created all beings, and knows their pains. ||1||
guru goibMdu jIA kY kwm ]
gur gobindh jeea kai kaam ||
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, is the Helper of the soul.
hliq pliq jw kI sd Cwm ]1] rhwau ]
halath palath jaa kee sadh shhaam ||1|| rehaao ||
Here and herafter, He always provides shade. ||1||Pause||
pRBu AwrwDn inrml rIiq ]
prabh aaraadhhan niramal reeth ||
Worship and adoration of God is the pure way of life.
swDsµig ibnsI ibprIiq ]2]
aucwrx ibp-rIiq
saadhhasang binasee bipareeth ||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the love of duality vanishes. ||2||
mIq hIq Dnu nh pwrxw ]
meeth heeth dhhan neh paaranaa ||
Friends, well-wishers and wealth will not support you.
Dµin Dµin myry nwrwiexw ]3]
dhhann dhhann maerae naaraaeinaa ||3||
Blessed, blessed is my Lord. ||3||
nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ]
naanak bolai anmrith baanee ||
Nanak utters the Ambrosial Bani of the Lord.
eyk ibnw dUjw nhI jwxI ]4]6]
eaek binaa dhoojaa nehee jaanee ||4||6||
Except the One Lord, he does not know any other at all. ||4||6||