10: mImWsw
iPir jYmin irKu boilAw jujr vyid miQ kQw suxwvY ]
dhiri jaimani rikhu boliaa jujari vaydi madi kadaa sounaavai.
Pondering deeply over the Yajurveda, rishi Jaimini putforth his postulates.
krmw auqy inbVY dyhI miD kry so pwvY ]
karamaa outay nibarhai dayhee madhi karay so paavai.
Ultimate decision will be arrived at according to the actions performed through the body which will reap whatever it has sowed.
Qwpis krm sMswr ivic krm vws kir AwvY jwvY ]
daapasi karam sansaar vichi karam vaas kari aavai jaavai.
He established the theory of karma and explained transmigration as controlled by karma.
shsw mnhu nw cukeI krmw AMdir Brim BulwvY ]
sahasaa manahu n choukaee karamaan andari bharami bhulaavai.
Because of its fallacy of ad-infinitum, the doubts are cleared and the jiv goes on wandering in the labyrinth of karmas.
Brim vrqix jgiq kI ieko mwieAw bRhm khwvY ]
karami varatani jagati kee iko maaiaa braham kahaavai.
Karma is a practical aspect of the world and the maya and the Brahm are identical.
jujr vyd ko mQin kir qq bRhm ivic Brim khwvY ]
jujari vaydi ko madani kari tat brahamu vichi bharamu milaavai.
This school of thought (Shastra) while stirring the ingredients of Yajurveda, mixes delusions with the supreme reality the Brahm,
krm idRVwie jgiq ivic krm bMiD kir AwvY jwvY ]
karam drirhaai jagat vichi karam bandhi kari aavai jaavai.
And establishes strongly the ritualism which further accepts coming in and going from the world as the result of the karma bondage.
siqgur ibnw n shsw jwvY ]10]
satigur binaa n sahasaa jaavai ||10||
Without the true Guru, the doubts cannot be dispelled away.