9: nXwX
goqm qpy ibcwir kY irig vyd kI kQw suxweI ]
gotim tapay bichaari kai rigi vayd kee kadaa sounaaee.
Speculating seriously, seer Gotama has put forth the story of the Rgveda.
inAwie swsqR kO miQ kir siB ibiD krqy hiQ jxweI ]
niaai saasatri kau madi kari sabhi bidhi karatay hadi janaaee.
After churning the thoughts, in the Nyaya school, God has been defined as the efficient cause of all the causes.
sB kCu krqy vis hY hor bwq ivic cly n kweI ]
sabh kachhu karatay vasi hai hori baati vichi chalay n kaaee.
Everything is under His control and in His order, no order whatsoever of anybody else is accepted.
duhI isrI krqwr hY Awip inAwrw kir idKlweI ]
duhee siree karataaru hai aapi niaaraa kari dikhalaaee.
He is in the beginning and at the end of this creation yet in this Shastra he is shown as separate from this creation.
krqw iknY n dyiKAw kudriq AMdir Brim BulweI ]
karataa kinai n daykhiaa kudarati andari bharami bhulaaee.
No one has seen or known this creator, and rather people have remained indulged in the expansive delusions of prakriti (nature).
sohM bRhmu CpwiekY pVdw Brmu krqwru suxweI ]
sohan brahamu chhapaai kai parhadaa bharamu karataaru sounaaee.
Not realising that soham parbrahm, the jiv is mistaken in understanding Him as a man (full of fallacies).
irgu khY suix gurmuKhu Awpy Awip n dUjI rweI ]
rigi kahai souni guramoukhahu aapay aapi n doojee raaee.
The Rgveda exhorts the knowledgeable people that supreme Lord is everything and none else can be compared with Him.
siqgur ibnw n soJI pweI ]9]
satigur binaa n sojhee paaee ||9||
Without true Guru this understanding cannot be attained.