Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)16 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

dIdI AwiKr qwilib mOlw rih mOlw igR&q

dheedhee aakhir thaalib maaualaa rehi maaualaa grifatha

Bhai Sahib telling the worldly people, You have eventually seen that the seekers of Akaalpurakh adopted the only path to attain Him,

hwsil aumir igrwmI rw AzIN duinAw igR&q ] 13 ] 1 ]

haasal oumar giraamee raa azeen dhuniaa grifath || 13 || 1 ||

Then, you have reaped full benefits from this precious life. (13) (1)

hIc ks bIqUM n bwSd Az svwid zuli& qU

heech kas beethoon n baashadha, az savaadh zulaf thoo,a

No individual is outside the circumference of your ravishing locks of hair,

eIN idil dIvwnw-Am AwiKr hmI sOdw igR&q ] 13 ] 2 ]

een dhil dheevaanaa-ama, aakhir hamee saauadhaa grifath || 13 || 2 ||

And, my enchanted mind is also twirled into the same mania. (13) (2)

ZYir AW sriv rvW hrigz inAwied dr nzr

ghair aan sarav ravaan haragiz niaaeidh dhar nazara

Since the time his beautiful tall and hefty torso has penetrated into my eyes,

qW k`id rwAnwie aU dr dIdwie-mw jw-igR&q ] 13 ] 3 ]

thaan kadh raaanaae oo dhar dheedhaaei-maa jaa-grifath || 13 || 3 ||

I have not been able to recognize any one else except his living-cypress-like graceful personality. (13) (3)

Az indwey nwkwie lYlw idl SorIdw Awm

az nidhaaeae naakaae lailaa dhil shoreedhaa aam

Just hearing the ringing of the bell hung in the neck of Laila's camel, my heart went crazy (because it was the sign of Laila's arrival),

hmcU mjnUM msq gSqo rih sUie shrw igR&q ] 13 ] 4 ]

hamachoo majanoon masath gashatho rehi sooe seharaa grifath || 13 || 4 ||

And, like Majnoo, it became ecstatic and ran towards the wilderness of the jungle. (13) (4)

KuS nmI Awied mrw gwhy bZYr Az Xwid h`k

khush namee aaeidh maraa, gaahae baghair az yaadh haka,a

Ever since, his love-story has abided in my heart,

qw hdIis ieSik aU AMdr idlm mwvw igR&q ] 13 ] 5 ]

thaa hadhees eishak oo, andhar dhilam maavaa grifath || 13 || 5 ||

I have no taste for anything other than his true remembrance in every fiber of my body. (13) (5)

qw ibAwie X`k n&s bihir inswir iKdmqq

thaa biaae yak nafasa, behir nisaar khidhamathatha,a

My diamond-showering eyes are preserving lustrous gems similar to the delicate poppy flowers,

cSim gOhr-bwir mw KuS lUlUey lwlw igR&q ] 13 ] 6 ]

chasham gaauehara-baar maa, khush loolooeae laalaa grifath || 13 || 6 ||

So that during your momentary visit, I could waive them over your precious head in sacrifice. (13) (6)

mI br-Awied jwin mn iemrUz Az rwih do cSm

mee bara-aaeidh jaan mana, eimarooz az raahi dho chashama,a

Today, my life is ending through both of my eyes,

nObiq dIdwir aU qw vwAdwid &rdw igR&q ] 13 ] 7 ]

naauabath dheedhaar oo, thaa vaaadhaadh faradhaa grifath || 13 || 7 ||

However, the chance of only one glimpse of him has been deferred to the doomsday.? (13) (7)

ZYir hmid h`k inAwied br zbwnm hIc gwh

ghair hamadh hak niaaeidha, bar zabaanam heech gaaha,a

Nothing else but the praises of the Lord come up on my lips,

hwsil eIN aumr rw Aw^r idil goXw igR&q ] 13 ] 8 ]

haasal een oumar raa, aakhar dhil goyaa grifath || 13 || 8 ||

Ultimately, Goyaa's heart has reaped full benefits of this life. (13) (8)