bsµqu mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 1 duqukIAw
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pihlw Ast-pdIAw Gru pihlw du-qukIAw
basanth mehalaa 1 asattapadheeaa ghar 1 dhuthukeeaa
Basant, First Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House, Du-Tukees:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
jgu kaUAw nwmu nhI cIiq ]
jag kooaa naam nehee cheeth ||
The world is a crow; it does not remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
nwmu ibswir igrY dyKu BIiq ]
naam bisaar girai dhaekh bheeth ||
Forgetting the Naam, it sees the bait, and pecks at it.
mnUAw folY cIiq AnIiq ]
manooaa ddolai cheeth aneeth ||
The mind wavers unsteadily, in guilt and deceit.
jg isau qUtI JUT prIiq ]1]
jag sio thoottee jhooth pareeth ||1||
I have shattered my attachment to the false world. ||1||
kwmu kRoDu ibKu bjru Bwru ]
kaam krodhh bikh bajar bhaar ||
The burden of sexual desire, anger and corruption is unbearable.
nwm ibnw kYsy gun cwru ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa kaisae gun chaar ||1|| rehaao ||
Without the Naam, how can the mortal maintain a virtuous lifestyle? ||1||Pause||
Gru bwlU kw GUmn Gyir ]
ghar baaloo kaa ghooman ghaer ||
The world is like a house of sand, built on a whirlpool;
brKis bwxI budbudw hyir ]
barakhas baanee budhabudhaa haer ||
It is like a bubble formed by drops of rain.
mwqR bUMd qy Dir cku Pyir ]
maathr boondh thae dhhar chak faer ||
It is formed from a mere drop, when the Lord's wheel turns round.
srb joiq nwmY kI cyir ]2]
sarab joth naamai kee chaer ||2||
The lights of all souls are the servants of the Lord's Name. ||2||
srb aupwie gurU isir moru ]
sarab oupaae guroo sir mor ||
My Supreme Guru has created everything.
Bgiq krau pg lwgau qor ]
aucwrx pg: polw bolo
bhagath karo pag laago thor ||
I perform devotional worship service to You, and fall at Your Feet, O Lord.
nwim rqo cwhau quJ Eru ]
naam ratho chaaho thujh our ||
Imbued with Your Name, I long to be Yours.
nwmu durwie clY so coru ]3]
aucwrx c`lY
naam dhuraae chalai so chor ||3||
Those who do not let the Naam become manifest within themselves, depart like thieves in the end. ||3||
piq KoeI ibKu AMcil pwie ]
path khoee bikh anchal paae ||
The mortal loses his honor, gathering sin and corruption.
swc nwim rqo piq isau Gir jwie ]
aucwrx r`qo
saach naam ratho path sio ghar jaae ||
But imbued with the Lord's Name, you shall go to your true home with honor.
jo ikCu kInis pRBu rjwie ]
aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo
jo kishh keenhas prabh rajaae ||
God does whatever He wills.
BY mwnY inrBau myrI mwie ]4]
bhai maanai nirabho maeree maae ||4||
One who abides in the Fear of God, becomes fearless, O my mother. ||4||
kwmin cwhY suµdir Bogu ]
kaaman chaahai sundhar bhog ||
The woman desires beauty and pleasure.
pwn PUl mITy rs rog ]
paan fool meethae ras rog ||
But betel leaves, garlands of flowers and sweet tastes lead only to disease.
KIlY ibgsY qyqo sog ]
kheelai bigasai thaetho sog ||
The more she plays and enjoys, the more she suffers in sorrow.
pRB srxwgiq kIn@is hog ]5]
aucwrx srxw-giq
prabh saranaagath keenhas hog ||5||
But when she enters into the Sanctuary of God, whatever she wishes comes to pass. ||5||
kwpVu pihris AiDku sIgwru ]
kaaparr pehiras adhhik seegaar ||
She wears beautiful clothes with all sorts of decorations.
mwtI PUlI rUpu ibkwru ]
maattee foolee roop bikaar ||
But the flowers turn to dust, and her beauty leads her into evil.
Awsw mnsw bWDo bwru ]
aasaa manasaa baandhho baar ||
Hope and desire have blocked the doorway.
nwm ibnw sUnw Gru bwru ]6]
naam binaa soonaa ghar baar ||6||
Without the Naam, one's hearth and home are deserted. ||6||
gwChu puqRI rwj kuAwir ]
gaashhahu puthree raaj kuaar ||
O princess, my daughter, run away from this place!
nwmu Bxhu scu doqu svwir ]
naam bhanahu sach dhoth savaar ||
Chant the True Name, and embellish your days.
ipRau syvhu pRB pRym ADwir ]
prio saevahu prabh praem adhhaar ||
Serve your Beloved Lord God, and lean on the Support of His Love.
gur sbdI ibKu iqAws invwir ]7]
gur sabadhee bikh thiaas nivaar ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, abandon your thirst for corruption and poison. ||7||
mohin moih lIAw mnu moih ]
mohan mohi leeaa man mohi ||
My Fascinating Lord has fascinated my mind.
gur kY sbid pCwnw qoih ]
gur kai sabadh pashhaanaa thohi ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have realized You, Lord.
nwnk TwFy cwhih pRBU duAwir ]
aucwrx TwFy: ibnw ibMdI bolo
naanak thaadtae chaahehi prabhoo dhuaar ||
Nanak stands longingly at God's Door.
qyry nwim sµqoKy ikrpw Dwir ]8]1]
thaerae naam santhokhae kirapaa dhhaar ||8||1||
I am content and satisfied with Your Name; please shower me with Your Mercy. ||8||1||