SGGSAng 1176Raag BasantMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

bsµqu mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw

basanth mehalaa 3 ||

Basant, Third Mehl:

bnspiq maulI ciVAw bsµqu ]

aucwrx bn`spiq

banasapath moulee charriaa basanth ||

The season of spring has come, and all the plants have blossomed forth.

iehu mnu mauilAw siqgurU sµig ]1]

eihu man mouliaa sathiguroo sang ||1||

This mind blossoms forth, in association with the True Guru. ||1||

qum@ swcu iDAwvhu mugD mnw ]

aucwrx mnw: polw bolo

thumh saach dhhiaavahu mugadhh manaa ||

So meditate on the True Lord, O my foolish mind.

qW suKu pwvhu myry mnw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx mnw: polw bolo

thaan sukh paavahu maerae manaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Only then shall you find peace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||

iequ min mauilAY BieAw Anµdu ]

eith man mouliai bhaeiaa anandh ||

This mind blossoms forth, and I am in ecstasy.

AMimRq Plu pwieAw nwmu goibMd ]2]

anmrith fal paaeiaa naam gobindh ||2||

I am blessed with the Ambrosial Fruit of the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. ||2||

eyko eyku sBu AwiK vKwxY ]

eaeko eaek sabh aakh vakhaanai ||

Everyone speaks and says that the Lord is the One and Only.

hukmu bUJY qW eyko jwxY ]3]

aucwrx bU`JY

hukam boojhai thaan eaeko jaanai ||3||

By understanding the Hukam of His Command, we come to know the One Lord. ||3||

khq nwnku haumY khY n koie ]

kehath naanak houmai kehai n koe ||

Says Nanak, no one can describe the Lord by speaking through ego.

AwKxu vyKxu sBu swihb qy hoie ]4]14]

aakhan vaekhan sabh saahib thae hoe ||4||2||14||

All speech and insight comes from our Lord and Master. ||4||2||14||